Birmingham Could Be Two Weeks Away From NYC COVID-19 Rates
The coronavirus pandemic in Alabama is not as bad as hot spots elsewhere in the country, but public health officials expect that to change.
UAB To Test Potential COVID-19 Vaccine
The University of Alabama at Birmingham and the biopharmaceutical company Altimmune Inc. will test a potential vaccine for COVID-19, the university announced today.
World Awaits Results Of COVID-19 Drug Treatment Developed At UAB Center
In the search for a drug treatment for COVID-19, prime interest has centered on Remdesivir, a compound produced by Gilead Sciences that has its roots in a National Institutes of Health-funded center based at UAB.
Birmingham Under Shelter-In-Place Order
A new shelter-in-place order puts restrictions on where you can go outside your home.
UAB Infectious Disease Expert With COVID-19 Says “Stay Home”
University of Alabama at Birmingham AIDS researcher Dr. Michael Saag says he's tested positive for coronavirus. He made his diagnosis public in an effort to raise awareness of how to fight the disease.
Alabama COVID-19 Testing Rife With Delays And Uncertainty
Across Alabama, the demand for COVID-19 testing is growing, and labs are struggling to turn around test results quickly.
Universities Prepare For COVID-19 Ahead Of Spring Break
Samford and UAB are taking precautions in the event coronavirus spreads. There are currently no confirmed cases of the disease in Alabama.
State Health Department Offers COVID-19 Testing
Alabama's state health agency now has the capability to test for COVID-19. They'll no longer have to send samples to the CDC for testing.
UAB Leads a New Anti-Viral Drug Trial to Combat the Coronavirus
The University of Alabama at Birmingham is leading a new anti-viral drug trial in Wuhan, China to combat the coronavirus outbreak.
Smithsonian Educator Explores Ways to Teach Evolution in Alabama Schools
Briana Pobiner is a paleoanthropologist and educator at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. She's using a federal grant to explore the best ways to teach evolution in Alabama high schools; although some textbooks still contain warning stickers saying evolution is just a theory.
Small Fraction of Students Qualify for Birmingham Promise Scholarship
When it was announced recently that the Birmingham Promise would offer a full tuition scholarship to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, many praised the partnership as a way to give eligible Birmingham graduates a much-needed financial boost. But as it stands, most students wouldn't make the cut.
Birmingham and UAB Partner to Offer Free Tuition to City Graduates
The University of Alabama at Birmingham will offer a full tuition scholarship to some graduates of Birmingham City Schools as part of a new partnership with the City of Birmingham.
New UAB Initiative Seeks to Improve Health Statewide
Alabama often ends up at the bottom in health rankings on indicators such as obesity and high blood pressure. A new initiative launching Tuesday aims to pull Alabama out of the bottom ten among states over the next decade.
Jefferson County Clears Hurdle to Working out an Agreement With UAB for a Health Care Authority
The Jefferson County Commission voted 3-2 for a resolution that executes an amended master agreement to establish the framework for UAB to form an authority to operate Cooper Green Mercy Health System.
How Trump Factors into Jeff Sessions’ Senate Run
Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to join a long list of Republicans who want to be Alabama's next U.S. Senator.
UAB Sees Opportunity with Precision Medicine
Many observers say UAB is well-positioned to lead a new front called precision medicine, especially in the area of cancer care.
Changing Climate: Alabama Sees Heat, Storms, Drought and Turtles
Alabama’s a long way from the South Pole, but Jim McClintock knows the places are connected. For decades, the UAB researcher has been witnessing effects of climate change on the polar region. He sees that his state is starting to feel the impacts, as well, and predicts greater changes ahead.
Road Closures Begin Wednesday For UAB’s Homecoming
Some areas around the University of Alabama at Birmingham will be closed starting Wednesday for the school's Homecoming events.
Birmingham Special Election Draws Crowded Candidate Field in District 6
Birmingham voters go to the polls Tuesday to elect council members in three districts. Turnout in the special election is expected to be low, but interest is high in District 6, an area that covers UAB, Titusville, and parts of west Birmingham.
Can Gov. Ivey Keep Doing Her Job During Cancer Treatments?
Gov. Kay Ivey says her radiation treatments for lung cancer will not interfere with her job as governor. We talk with an oncologist about the likelihood she could continue with business as usual.
Gov. Kay Ivey to Undergo Treatment for Lung Cancer
Gov. Kay Ivey announced Thursday she has lung cancer. This comes after her doctor found a spot on her lung during a routine visit.
UAB Study Shows Limiting Meal Times Can Lower Appetite
Research out this week shows the timing of your meals could help you eat less. The UAB-led study explored the benefits of a type of intermittent fasting.
Scales Says Jefferson County Commissioners Should Be Kept More in the Loop on Indigent Health Care Plans
After two months of waiting, Jefferson County Commissioner Lashunda Scales wanted some answers Tuesday concerning the health care authority being designed by UAB Health System and Jefferson County and expressed concern that commissioners are not more involved in the process.
$21 Million Study Will Research Health Disparities in the Rural South
People who live in the rural South are more likely to die sooner than people in other parts of the country. A new study funded by the National Institutes of Health tries to figure out why.
UAB Students Protest White Supremacy
Some students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham say the school isn’t doing enough to protect them from white extremists. They held a protest on campus earlier this week.
Jeffco Commission Approves UAB-Led Authority for Cooper Green
The Jefferson County Commission approved a resolution Thursday to allow UAB to manage operations at the county's indigent care clinic.
Alabama is Offering Free Genetic Testing. Here’s Why.
Scientists in Alabama want to capture a statewide genetic footprint. Free testing, they say, can help residents detect their risk for disease and bolster future genomic research.
$25 Million Cyclotron Brings New Cancer Treatment to AL
A 90-ton cyclotron arrived Tuesday on the campus of UAB. The machine will be part of a new proton therapy center, bringing a specialized cancer treatment to Alabama.
Gaelynn Lea: Advocating for Disability Rights Through Music
Gaelynn Lea is a classically trained violinist who was born with brittle bone disease, a genetic disorder that results in very fragile bones. She shares more about her condition and how being a wheelchair user hasn’t stopped her from performing.
Alabama’s Federal Employees Return to Work as Federal Shutdown Is Temporarily Ended
Federal employees in Birmingham and across the state returned to work Monday after a record-setting, five-week partial federal shutdown that affected about 5,500 workers, almost 10 percent of the state’s 50,000 federal employees.
UAB Police Chief Named President of National Accreditation Group
The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, or CALEA, has chosen UAB Police Chief Anthony Purcell to lead the national organization. The commission sets hundreds of standards for law enforcement agencies on everything from body cam usage to bias training.
With $30 Million Gift, UAB Says Cancer Research is the Future of Birmingham
Leaders of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB have big plans to use the recently announced $30 million gift from O’Neal Industries. They want to triple the number of clinical trials.