College Athletes Talk Tensions Between Sports and Academics
Across the South, college football is in full swing. But football is just one of dozens of NCAA sports. In any season, student-athletes are pushing themselves on the field, in the gym, and in the classroom. They get scholarships and generate billions of dollars, but they also get hurt and struggle with their studies on […]
UAB Researchers Use CRISPR Technology to Target Childhood Syndrome
In the last couple of years there’s been a bonanza in life sciences around something called CRISPR. This is a process that bacteria do naturally as a defense mechanism, but scientists have figured out how to use it to snip out specific genes from DNA and replace them. In other words, it makes cheaper and more precise genetic editing possible. Dr. Tim Townes, director of the UAB Stem Cell Institute, led a team that published a paper Thursday in Cell Reports on their use of CRISPR to develop a potential new cure for a troubling condition in children.
Birmingham Native And Curator John Fields Recalls His Hurricane Katrina Experience
It has been 10 years since Hurricane Katrina, and John Fields, curator at the Abroms-Engel Institute of Visual Arts and Birmingham native, lived in New Orleans when the disaster hit. In honor of the tenth anniversary of Katrina, he talked to WBHM's Gina Yu about his experience and the way it changed his life and art.
A Window On Other Arenas: Sports, Race, And More With UAB Sociologist Adrienne Milner
You don’t have to be a scholar to know that African-Americans are heavily represented in contact sports like football and basketball, but underrepresented in “lifetime sports” like tennis or golf. Some casual observers have come up with relatively simple explanations for that phenomenon. But a University of Alabama at Birmingham sociologist and author who studies […]
“Medicaid Cuts Will Affect Everyone” Says UAB Health System CEO
Alabama Senators are approved a cut-filled general fund budget after lawmakers could not agree how to fill a more than $200 million budget hole. The proposed spending plan cuts nearly that much from mental health services, law enforcement, state agencies and Medicaid. State hospitals are especially concerned about cuts to Medicaid. Will Ferniany, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of UAB Health System, the largest academic medical center in Alabama, told WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley why Medicaid cuts have him worried.
See Photos From Issues and Ales: Concussions and the Price of Playing Football
On Thursday, WBHM gathered a panel of doctors, former football players and concussion experts at Workplay for the annual Issues and Ales. Andrew Yeager led the panel and opened up the end of each session for audience questions. You can listen to the discussion on the air on Wednesday, July 29 at 2 p.m. […]
Carly’s Law Study: Patients On Marijuana Derivative Oil Report Progress
Last year, Alabama was the second state to legalize limited use of marijuana derivate, commonly known as CBD oil. Alabama’s Carly’s Law, is allowing doctors at the University of Alabama at Birmingham to study and prescribe CBD oil to select patients. CBD oil has only traces or no THC --the active ingredient in marijuana known to produce a high-and is changing the debate surrounding the use of use of marijuana as medicine. UAB’s study officially started this spring.
Athletics controversy could help image, experts say
Two years ago, UAB launched its first ever unified brand campaign for medicine and academics under the common tagline: UAB- Knowledge that will change your world. Now the university’s brand and reputation could get a boost from canceling three athletic programs and recently deciding to bring them back. “There’s no such thing as bad publicity […]
John Archibald on UAB Football’s Return
UAB backers don't have a specific date or a timeline, but they can still revel in Monday's announcement that UAB President Ray Watts would reinstate the football, bowling and rifle teams. It represents the work of fans, boosters, donors and many others who refuse to accept the decision in December to shutter the teams. While this turn of events makes for a great story, it also brings on a new set of questions. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald comments on some of them.
UAB’s New Athletic Director Mark Ingram on Football’s Return
As UAB works to reinstate its football, bowling and rifle programs, a man who will have a big part of that is Mark Ingram. He’s UAB’s new athletic director who’s only been on the job two weeks. WBHM’s Andrew Yeager spoke with Ingram and began by asking when the team would return.
UAB Alumni President Speaks about Return of Football
The return of UAB’s football, bowling and rifle teams represents the work of many students, faculty, alumni and community members. One man who was in the think of it is Wes Smith. He’s president of the UAB National Alumni Society. He also led the task force that reviewed the decision to cut those athletic programs.
UAB Football Retuns
UAB President Ray Watts addresses the media in a July 1, 2015 press conference BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) – UAB President Ray Watts said Monday he is bringing the football program back in 2016, reversing a decision to shut it down because it was too expensive. Watts cited renewed financial commitment from supporters, students and […]
UAB Needs Ray Watts and Football
UAB President Ray Watts should announce by Monday whether the university will revive its football, bowling and rifle teams after shutting them down in December. Football backers have aimed a lot of anger at Watts with some calling for him to go. A few voices have said this was the correct, albeit painful move for an institution of higher learning. But one prominent alumnus says UAB needs both Watts and football. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald talks about that and case of business incentives he says shows bad citizenship on the part of an Alabama bank.
Kyle Whitmire Discusses UAB Football Future And The Legislative Session
The much anticipated College Sports Solutions’ report on University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) athletics is now public and the findings are somewhat ambiguous. In essence, it says UAB can control it’s own destiny. But the question remains should the university divert its football funding to running a championship-caliber basketball program, or beg and borrow […]
UAB and the Alabama System Board of Trustees
UAB football boosters are waiting on a June first deadline to hear whether school leaders will reinstate its football program. But university president Ray Watts’ decision to cut the football, rifle and bowling programs in December sparked a larger conversation about whether the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees exerts too much influence over the Birmingham campus. It may be an education matter, but the business community is weighing in too. We talk about it in this week's Magic City Marketplace with Cindy Fisher Crawford. We'll also hear about a wave of hotel development in Birmingham's city center.
Accountability or Politics at the Statehouse and Connections in High Places at UAB
State lawmakers like to talk about accountability and keeping tabs on the taxpayers’ money. But keeping tabs on money can also be a tool of politics and influence. Two key members of the Alabama House have introduced a bill that Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald says even though it’s ostensibly about accountability, politics is not far behind. He also talks about a position at UAB created last fall for a friend of Senior Vice President Shirley Salloway Kahn -- a position that pays $28,000 a month.
UAB’s Football Decision May Have Been Made Earlier
UAB President Ray Watts faces calls for his resignation after documents released this week suggest university leaders considered announcing the end of the school's football, bowling and rifle programs months earlier than they did. The documents come from a public relations firm that was devising a strategy for handling the controversial decision and mentions a task list for an announcement in September. But Watts has said the decision to kill the football program was not made until shortly before the announcement was actually made in December. We talk about the situation with Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald.
US Secretary Of Education Arne Duncan
According to the U.S. Department of Education, Alabama's high school graduation rate jumped eight percent between the years 2011 and 2013. That may not sound like a lot, but it was one of the largest increases in the country, which also saw its rate increase while racial gaps decreased. WBHM's education reporter Dan Carsen caught up with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to talk about what the numbers mean for the state and for the nation.
John Archibald: An Impasse Over UAB Football
The UAB Blazers play Iowa State University today in the NCAA men's basketball tournament. The tournament berth and a conference championship fired up Blazer fans and UAB alumni still angry over UAB President Ray Watts' decision to end the school's football, bowling and rifle teams. The decision may have been made almost four months ago, but opinions are still charged. That's especially now that an impasse has emerged around a task force reviewing the numbers used to justify the end of the programs. We talk about it with Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald.
John Archibald: Memo Details UAB’s Defensive Plan
UAB President Ray Watts faced a strong backlash after ending the university's football program in December. Football boosters were upset, but Watts also lost three "no confidence" votes over governance issues. As this unfolded, Watts worked with a private public relations firm to combat the fallout. A memo obtained by details the strategy.
Lectures Behind Bars
Few people normally go to Donaldson Correctional Facility, a state prison in far western Jefferson County. But twice a month UAB faculty travel to this maximum security prison to lecture to inmates. It's been happening for almost three decades. Reporter Ashley Cleek sits in on a class.
UA BOT Member On Dr. Ray Watts, UAB Football Controversy
Supporters of the University of Alabama at Birmingham's recently canceled football program have vowed to protest when the UA System Board of Trustees meets in Birmingham later this week. WBHM contributor Greg Bass spoke with Board of Trustees member Finis St. John of Cullman about the controversy surrounding UAB football and the role of the Board of Trustees in the governance of UAB.
Magic City Marketplace: The Future of the Historic Tax Credit
Some of downtown Birmingham's redevelopment projects have been helped along by Alabama's historic tax credit. But that credit is capped and will sunset next year. So developers and political leaders are debating what to do with this popular incentive. We hear more from Cindy Fisher Crawford in this week's Magic City Marketplace.
John Archibald: No Confidence Vote on UAB President
The UAB Faculty Senate will vote Thursday morning on a resolution expressing no confidence in university president Ray Watts. It's the latest fallout from his decision to end UAB's football, bowling and rifle programs. This is in addition to no confidence resolutions passed by the Graduate Student Government and the Undergraduate Student Government Association, the latter saying Watts misled people and didn't adequately inform the UAB community.
UAB Faculty Senate Passes No Confidence Resolution in President Ray Watts
Thursday morning, UAB's Faculty Senate passed a resolution expressing no confidence in university president Ray Watts. It's the latest fallout from his decision to end UAB's football, bowling, and rifle programs. Watts has said he would not resign even if the resolution passed. WBHM's Rachel Osier Lindley has this recap.
Kyle Whitmire: Leadership in the Legislature and at UAB
The Alabama Legislature met for their organizational session this week, and much of their key leadership will remain the same. What does this mean for this year's legislative session? Kyle Whitmire from and The Birmingham News joins us to discuss this, along with the potential no confidence vote for UAB President Dr. Ray Watts.
John Archibald: UAB President’s Leadership has been Damaged over Football
UAB President Ray Watts' decision to cut the school's football, bowling, and rifle teams has moved beyond a simple matter of athletic priorities now that a no confidence vote is in play. The UAB faculty senate on Tuesday agreed to draft a resolution expressing no confidence in Watts. They could vote on the measure next month.
Faculty Senate Vote For Reassessment of Sports And “No-Confidence” on Watts
It's been a week since UAB announced the end of its football, bowling, and rifle teams. Today at a meeting of the Faculty Senate, at least two-thirds of that body approved drafting two resolutions: a declaration supporting the school's athletic programs and a transparent financial reassessment of them; and, a "no confidence" resolution directed at university president Ray Watts. WBHM's Dan Carsen and Rachel Osier Lindley break down the day's events.
The Debate Rages about UAB Football
Almost a week after UAB President Ray Watts' announcement that the university's football program would end, vigorous debate continues about the decision. Our roundup of what people are saying.
John Archibald: UAB Football was not a Recent Decision
University officials say this week's decision to end UAB's football program came after a strategic planning process revealed increasing costs were unsustainable. In the days since, evidence has emerged that the university had been laying groundwork to cut football for some time. We hear more about that from Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald.
INTERVIEW: Big-Picture Perspective On Colleges Ending Football Programs
On December 2, the University of Alabama at Birmingham announced it is cutting its football, bowling and rifle teams after the 2014-2015 season. As costs to maintain athletics programs grow, some experts think this could be the beginning of a trend. Malcolm Moran, director of the National Sports Journalism Center, explains why to WBHM's Dan Carsen.
UAB Ends Football
UAB President Ray Watts has announced the university's football program will end with the 2014-2015 academic year. Listen to the complete press conference and read reactions from Governor Robert Bentley, Birmingham Mayor William Bell and Birmingham Business Alliance President and CEO Brian Hilson.