Andrew Yeager

WBHM Managing Editor

It was probably inevitable that Andrew Yeager would end up working in public radio. The son of two teachers, NPR News programs often formed the backdrop to car rides growing up. And it was probably inevitable that Andrew would end up in news after discovering the record button on his tape recorder. He still remembers his first attempted interview - his uncooperative 2-year-old sister.

Originally from east central Indiana, Andrew earned degrees in broadcasting and political science from Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. While there he spent more than his fair share of time at WOBN, the student-run radio station. After college Andrew worked for an educational non-profit and volunteered at WMUB in Oxford, Ohio. He ventured into public radio full-time as a reporter for WNIN in Evansville, Ind. Besides covering an array of local stories, Andrew's work has been heard on many public radio programs.

Andrew lives with his wife and two children in Birmingham. When not consumed by public radio work, he's often picking up items strewn about the house by said children, reading or heading out on a bike ride when not enveloped by the Alabama heat.

Museum Exhibit Gives a View of 1930s Birmingham

The exhibit Magic City Realism, a collection of etchings at the Birmingham Museum of Art, shows life in Birmingham during the Great Depression.

2018 Governor’s Race: State Senator Bill Hightower

Republican State Senator Bill Hightower says Alabama needs a business-minded approach to state government and that’s why he’s running for governor.

2018 Governor’s Race: Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle

Huntsville is Alabama’s third largest city, but it’s projected to surpass Montgomery and Birmingham in the coming years. Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle says he can expand that kind of growth to the entire state and that’s why he’s running for governor.

Birmingham Columnist Takes Journalism’s Top Prize

For the first time in eleven years, Birmingham has a Pulitzer Prize winner. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald won the Pulitzer for commentary Monday.

WBHM Politics: Election Season Overview

Election season is underway in Alabama with party primaries June 5th and the general election in November. We'll talk about the upcoming elections, some of the dynamics at play and a few key races.

Tornado-Ravaged Jacksonville State Prepares to Head Back to Class

Classes resume Monday at Jacksonville State University, three weeks after a tornado slammed into the campus and surrounding community. The school was on spring break when the storm hit and that’s seen as a big reason there were no deaths. With students returning to campus, a new phase of recovery begins.

The Story Behind Alabama’s Latest Public Corruption Case

Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald discusses a corruption case involving two state lawmakers, a lobbyist and a California healthcare company.

WBHM Politics: Spring Break

We're on spring break this week. In the meantime, support the podcast by donating at We'll be back with a new episode in April.

WBHM Politics: Guns, Schools and Safety

The issue of guns and schools has been in the news the past month after a gunman walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people. In Birmingham these issues became very real when a student was shot and killed at Huffman High School earlier this month. We explore the topic through a series of conversations.

“Opportunity” the Key Word for Birmingham’s New Economic Development Director

Josh Carpenter, Birmingham's new director of economic development, says his focus is to create opportunity for people to become empowered.

Community Remembers Huffman High School Student Killed in Shooting

Community members and students took to East Lake Park Sunday to remember a high school student who was shot and killed last week.

WBHM Politics: When Retailers Close, Taxes Go Too

When a big-box store closes in a smaller community, that drop in tax revenue can be a big hit to the town. That's a situation Fairfield and Irondale are working through.

The “Designated University Kid” on the Alabama Community that Raised him

Eric Motley's memoir is something of an ode to Madison Park, Alabama -- a small, African-American community on the outskirts of Montgomery.

Number of Hate Groups Increased in 2017

The Southern Poverty Law Center says the number of hate groups in its annual survey rose 4 percent in 2017, spurred in part by an increase of black nationalist groups. At the same time the number of Ku Klux Klan groups dropped significantly.

How a Small Alabama Town Pioneered the First 9-1-1 Call

In January 1968, the FCC and AT&T announced a plan for an emergency telephone number. But the Alabama Telephone Company decided to get out ahead of the feds and set up its own system.

More Alabama Women Putting their Names on the Ballot

At least 90 women are running for Congressional or state-level offices this year. That mirrors a rise in female candidates nationally.

WBHM Politics: Women Running for Office

The ballot for state elections this fall is shaping up after Friday’s deadline for candidates to qualify. There are a notable number of women running for office this year. Alabama’s governor and chief justice are both women and they're are running to keep their jobs. The #MeToo movement appears to have encouraged some women to jump into the fray as well.

Voters and Experts Don’t Always See the Same Priorities for Alabama

A new initiative from the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama aims to help state leaders understand what issues voters think are most important. It also shows experts and voters don't always see issues the same way.

WBHM Politics: Working in Alabama’s Prisons

As policy makers debate how to address the numerous issues facing Alabama's prison system, the experiences of the men and women who work at prisons can sometimes be hidden.

Birmingham Recycling Center Temporarily Stops Taking Glass

The Alabama Environmental Council has temporarily stopped taking glass at its recycling center in Birmingham's Avondale neighborhood.

BJCC Stadium Far From a Done Deal

Proponents of a stadium at the BJCC in downtown Birmingham got a boost earlier this month when the Jefferson County Commission agreed to set aside 30 million dollars toward the facility. While it may be a significant step, a stadium is far from a done deal.

WBHM Politics: A Downtown Birmingham Stadium

The Jefferson County Commission has approved setting aside money toward a downtown stadium in Birmingham. That's given new momentum for a project that's been talked about for decades.

Closings and Delays for Thursday, January 18

School closing and delay information for January 18, 2018

WBHM Politics: A Look Back at 2017

Alabama politics was on overload this year with a new governor, new senator and new mayor for Birmingham.

A Winning Season Puts UAB Football on Strong Footing

The UAB Football team is going to a bowl game for only the second time in school history. It's a strong position as the team looks beyond its first season back on the field.

School Closures and Delays Due to Winter Weather

Many schools across Alabama have announced delays because of snow expected to fall Friday.

WBHM Politics: The U.S. Senate Election

In the latest edition of WBHM Politics we discuss the U.S. Senate race in Alabama pitting Republican Roy Moore against Democrat Doug Jones.

WBHM Politics: Family, the Holidays and Politics

Take a few family members, mix in some strong political opinions and plop them into a holiday gathering. It’s a perfect recipe for clashes, fraught emotions and maybe some mashed potatoes thrown against the wall. And that’s the feast we’re serving up on this edition of WBHM Politics.

Democratic Senate Candidate Doug Jones talks Roy Moore, Campaign Issues and Abortion

Doug Jones finds himself in a position an Alabama Democrat has not been in for a generation. He has a reasonable chance of being elected to the U.S. Senate. Jones faces Republican Roy Moore December 12th in a race to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Talk Radio Buzzing Over Roy Moore Allegations

The Senate Race in Alabama is a huge topic of conversation after allegations of sexual assault against Republican candidate Roy Moore. That conversation is flowing through talk radio where some listeners remain solidly behind Moore.

Is it Game Over for Moore?

Political consultant David Mowery offers analysis of Thursday's report from the Washington Post that Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32.