Search Results for roy moore ethics trial
Jury: No defamation from Roy Moore or woman who accused him
A jury has found that no defamation occurred in dueling lawsuits between former U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore and the woman who accused him of molesting her when she was 14.
Roy Moore Calling His Second Ouster “Politically Motivated”
Moore is calling his punishment the result of a "politically motivated effort by radical homosexual and transgender groups," who targeted him because of what he calls his "outspoken opposition to their immoral agenda."
Awaiting a Ruling in the Roy Moore Case
All eyes are on the Alabama Court of the Judiciary awaiting a decision regarding Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. Moore went to trial Wednesday on judicial ethics charges. At issue is a January order from Moore in which he tells probate judges Alabama's same-sex marriage ban is still in effect. That's despite a U.S Supreme Court ruling last year clearing the way for gay marriage nationwide. Moore could be removed from office for the second time in 13 years over the case. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald watched the proceedings and offers his perspective.
Roy Moore Faces Removal from Bench for Second Time in 13 Years
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is facing removal from the bench for the second time in 13 years. Moore goes to trial Wednesday on judicial ethics charges for allegedly ignoring a U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage.
WBHM Wins 16 Alabama AP Awards
Public Radio WBHM 90.3 FM won seven first place and nine second place Alabama Associated Press Media Editor awards at a ceremony held June 17, 2017. “It’s wonderful to have earned recognition on such a broad range of initiatives, from noteworthy reporting to public service,” says WBHM News Director Gigi Douban. “For us here at […]
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Corruption in Alabama?
Alabama has a corruption problem. Former House Speaker Mike Hubbard is currently awaiting sentencing for 12 felony ethics convictions, Chief Justice Roy Moore is scheduled to go to trial for allegedly violating judicial ethics and Governor Robert Bentley is being investigated for possible impeachment. So, is there a way to solve the state’s corruption problem?
Alabama Republicans Look to Future After Mike Hubbard’s Conviction
Alabama Republicans are figuring out what's next after now former House Speaker Mike Hubbard was found guilty on 12 of 23 felony ethics charges last week. A jury determined Hubbard used his office for personal financial gain. He was considered one of Alabama's most powerful politicians. For more on what this means for future political leadership in the state, WBHM's Rachel Osier Lindley spoke with Natalie Davis, professor of political science at Birmingham-Southern College. Davis says, while Hubbard’s political career is over, his impact on the Alabama Republican Party will last for years to come.
August 21 Morning Newscast
Appeals court throws out provision in Alabama immigration law; Birmingham business community pays to defend Spencer Bachus; and legislators want to change school start date (again).