Teen Depression Study
It is a puzzle many mental health professionals are working to solve: What comes first in teenagers — depression or risky behavior? The findings of a new study show the two certainly go hand-in-hand, but depressed teens may not be using drugs to self-medicate. In fact drug use and sex may actually be causing depression […]
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Post-Herald Last Edition
Afternoons in Birmingham just won’t be the same anymore — that’s because the Birmingham Post-Herald is no more. Publisher E-W Scripps Company says it just can’t afford to keep the paper running. In a letter to Post-Herald staff Scripps CEO Kenneth Lowe says, quote “Paid circulation of the Post-Herald has declined to … a level […]
The Last Days
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Shelter Closing
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AIDS Evacuees
Thousands of Gulf Coast residents were displaced by Hurricane Katrina, forced to leave behind not only homes but sometimes entire lives. They're slowly picking things back up, but it may be easier for some hurricane evacuees than others.
One Stasi Victim’s Story
During the Communist era in East Germany dissonance was not allowed. Those who questioned the regime often found themselves behind bars, guests of the Stasi, East Germany's secret police. WBHM's Rosemary Pennington recently returned from Germany where she met one such man.
Germany Photos
WBHM's Rosemary Pennington took part in the RIAS/RTNDF German American Journalist Exchange. She spent two weeks in June traveling through Germany and Brussels. These are some photos from that trip.
Engineering New Territory
NASA's mission is an ever evolving thing. At one time research was its primary mission and UAB's Center for Biophysical Sciences worked closely with the space agency. But, as NASA begins to focus more on exploratoin, the CBSE is being forced to branch out. WBHM's Rosemary Pennington reports.
Activist Doctors and AIDS
Millions of people the world over have HIV/AIDS. As the infection rates go down in some countries, they go up in others. A group here in the U.S. thinks AIDS doctors need to take a more activist approach to fighting the disease.
Rosemary’s German Weblog
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Gloria Feldt
The fight over reproductive rights is part of American culture and, over the last few years, that fight's dominated the political landscape. WBHM's Rosemary Pennington spoke with Gloria Feldt, former president of Planned Parenthood of America, about her book on the changing political scene The War on Choice .
Tutwiler Storytime
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Alzheimer’s Poetry Project
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Big FIsh
An appreciation of the fantastic is a requirement when reading Daniel Wallace's 'Big Fish'. The Alabama native struck gold with his tale of love, redemption and relationhips; it's been turned into a feature length movie by director Tim Burton. He recently spoke with WBHM's Rosemary Pennington.
Outside Inside, Part 1
The American South has suffered from stereotyping for much of its existence, stereotyping that doesn't always paint southerners in the best light. But it's about a lot more than just hurt feelings ... especially in Alabama's case. WBHM's Rosemary Pennington has more.
A Southern T-Rex Cousin
When you think of dinosaurs and the United States, the Badlands probably come to mind. But the south is also a hotbed of dino bones -- and a counsin of the most fearsome of all dinosaurs, the Tyrannousaurus Rex, has been discovered in Alabama.
Green Tea Rx
Red wine has long been touted as a cancer fighter, but another beverage may be even more beneficial. A study conducted at UAB shows that green tea not only prevents cancer, but may stop the growth of some tumors. WBHM's Rosemary Pennington spoke with one of the researchers.
A Modern Day Miortia
A man on a mission, a Devil cruising toward retirement and women. These three things dominate the landscape in Andrei Codrescu's novel Wakefield . WBHM's Rosemary Pennington spoke with Codrescu about the novel and his all too familiar Devil.
Depressed Moms and Low Birth Weight
For years researchers have been trying to uncover why some babies are born smaller than others. While genetics and maternal diet have been linked to low birth weight, a new study says there's another possibility -- maternal depression.
Not Just the Baby Blues
Adjusting to a new baby can be difficult for anyone. Many mothers go through a 'blue' period after the child's born, but most bounce back. Not all, though. Some mothers go on to develop post partum depression. WBHM's Rosemary Pennington has more.
Evi’s New Look
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Counting the Uncounted
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New AIDS Drug
There is a pantheon of drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS -- the problem is that the virus mutates, keeping up with it is proving to be a problem. Researchers at Rutgers University, though, have created a drug they think could mean longer-lasting treatment for AIDS patients.
O Christmas Tree
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Protecting Alabama’s Innocent, Part 2
The downtown office of the Department of Human Resources is a cold, desolate looking place. Fluorescent lights flicker overhead, casting a sterile glow over the room, with its hard plastic chairs and cool tile floor. You can see PBS kids programming through the snow on the t.v., parenting magazines are scattered about the battered magazine […]
Protecting Alabama’s Innocent, Part 1
NPR News and Classical Music for North Central Alabama