Big FIsh

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Alabama native Daniel Wallace experienced the kind of success with his first novel that most writers only dream about. It was turned into a critically acclaimed movie, full of big name actors, with two very successful directors wanting to film it.

Big Fish has been called a modern-day fairytale; which Wallace thinks is appropriate since he borrowed a lot from mythology and folklore in the book’s writing. But, at its core, it’s a story about one man’s search for the truth behind his larger than life father. And, as Wallace tells WBHM’s Rosemary Pennington, for that, he drew inspiration from the life of his own dad.

An exhibit of what Wallace calls his “faux art” — paintings on pieces of found wood — hangs in the WorkPlay gallery all the month of April. The Altamont School alum also speaks Thursday, April 21st, at his alma mater at 7 p.m.



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