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Riverfront brawl brings unwelcome attention to historic civil rights city in Alabama

Three white boaters in Alabama’s capital city will be charged with misdemeanor assault for a riverfront brawl with a Black boat captain that drew nationwide attention, with more charges likely to come.

As infertility rates rise, data shows much of the US lives in a ‘fertility desert’

Factors like the cost of treatment, the location of clinics and a lack of specialized doctors have contributed to the lack of care across the country.

EPA wants to reject Alabama’s coal ash program; says it is not protective enough

The EPA’s proposed denial claims Alabama’s proposed standards are too lax and don’t meet federal guidelines under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

Trump boasts at Alabama fundraiser that he needs ‘one more indictment to close out this election’

Trump pleaded not guilty on Thursday to crimes related to his efforts to overturn the results of his 2020 election loss. Although it's his third criminal indictment this year, this case is the most serious.

An Alabama family’s water bill tripled after moving just outside of city limits. Here’s why

Rural water customers typically pay more for the same water that city residents use. Some residents, like Jason Clayton, believe the upcharge is unfair.

NIH selects UAB’s Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo to replace Dr. Anthony Fauci

Marrazzo, who has led UAB's Division of Infectious Diseases since 2016, served as a national expert throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

54% of support comes from members

Biden decides to keep Space Command in Colorado, rejecting move to Alabama

U.S. officials told The Associated Press on Monday that Biden was convinced by the head of Space Command, Gen. James Dickinson, who argued that moving his headquarters now would jeopardize military readiness

Alabama providers sue over threat of prosecution for abortion assistance

In two lawsuits filed Monday, abortion-rights advocates and reproductive healthcare providers accuse Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall of violating the U.S. Constitution.

Plaintiffs in voting rights case urge judges to toss Alabama’s new congressional map

Plaintiffs in the high-profile redistricting case accused state Republicans of flouting a judicial mandate to create a second majority-Black district or “something quite close to it" and enacting a map that continues to discriminate against Black voters in the state.

Mobile homes turn deadly when tornadoes hit. This year has been especially bad

Tornadoes in the United States are disproportionately killing more people in mobile or manufactured homes, especially in the South, often victimizing some of the most socially and economically vulnerable residents.

Alabama authorities charge Carlee Russell for fabricating story about kidnapping, finding toddler

Carlee Russell was charged with false reporting to law enforcement and falsely reporting an incident, both misdemeanors that carry up to a year in jail. Russell turned herself in to jail Friday and was released on bond.

Residents near Louisiana Dow plant are skeptical after explosion: ‘You can’t trust them’

Dow Chemical says the air quality at a plant in Louisiana is safe following a July 14 explosion, but nearby residents remain skeptical based on past incidents.

How Mississippi historians are preserving Emmett Till’s and Mamie Till-Mobley’s story

A national monument for Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley has put a spotlight on the work Mississippi historians have been doing to keep the story alive.

$50 million HUD grant expected to “transform” west Birmingham neighborhoods

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge announced Wednesday that a Choice Neighborhood grant—the largest of its kind—will go towards the revitalization of Smithfield, Graymont, and College Hills.

Emmett Till is being memorialized with 3 national monuments. Here’s where they’ll be located

President Joe Biden is expected to officially recognize two locations in Mississippi to honor Till’s life and death on what would have been his 82nd birthday.

Hoover woman confesses to fabricating kidnapping

The Hoover Police Department announced the development five days after casting doubt on Carlee Russell’s story. It is possible Russell could face charges.

The fight over Alabama’s congressional redistricting now shifts back to federal court

The outcome could have consequences across the country as the case again weighs the requirements of the Voting Rights Act in redistricting. It could also impact the partisan leanings of one Alabama congressional district in the 2024 elections with control of the U.S House of Representatives at stake.

Those struggling with addiction meet ‘law and order’ treatment in Walker County

Anthony Mitchell allegedly froze to death after spending 14 days in a concrete room at the Walker County Jail according to a federal lawsuit his family filed in February. The case is drawing attention to how law enforcement treats those struggling with addiction.

Birmingham public transit inches forward with federal help and no state funding

Alabama, the only state that doesn't fund public transit, passed on another opportunity this legislative session. Thanks to car dependence, the state has the nation's highest per-capita gasoline use.

Alabama lawmakers refuse to create 2nd majority-Black congressional district

The legislation now goes to Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, who is expected to sign it.

54% of support comes from members

Birmingham area receives poor grades on air quality report

The American Lung Association’s 2023 State of the Air report used research from the Environmental Protection Agency to measure air quality by year-round particle pollution, short-term particle pollution and ozone quality. 

Alabama executes man for the 2001 beating death of a woman, resuming lethal injections after review

James Barber, 64, was pronounced dead at 1:56 a.m. after receiving a lethal injection at a south Alabama prison.

Alabama GOP proposals for second Black district are unlikely to win court approval experts warn

The Republican-controlled state House and Senate will meet Friday and could advance separate plans increasing the share of Black voters in Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District. Legislative leaders say they intend to meet the deadline, meaning the two chambers must compromise on one plan.

Alabama to carry out first lethal injection since review of execution procedures

James Barber is scheduled to be put to death Thursday evening at a south Alabama prison. Gov. Kay Ivey paused executions in November to conduct an internal review.

Black lawmakers say Alabama GOP’s proposed new congressional map insults the Supreme Court

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Senate advanced separate plans that increase the number of Black voters in the state’s 2nd congressional district, but do not establish the second majority-Black district sought by plaintiffs who won the Supreme Court case last month.

Police cast doubt on Carlee Russell’s kidnapping claim after reporting toddler on an Alabama highway

The 25-year-old's return home Saturday following her Thursday disappearance prompted intense speculation about where she had been and what had happened to her.

WATCH: A discussion on what’s behind the spread of dollar stores with the Gulf States Newsroom

Watch a replay of the Gulf States Newsroom's virtual listening session and discussion on Stephan Bisaha's series on The Dollar Store Takeover.

Bolin Elected to Jefferson County Commission

Mike Bolin is retired no more. The former Alabama Supreme Court justice has a new job as the newly elected District 5 representative on the Jefferson County Commission.

After court ruling, Alabama GOP criticized for rejecting 2nd majority-Black congressional district

Lawmakers must adopt new maps by Friday after the U.S. Supreme Court in June upheld a finding that the current state map likely violated the federal Voting Rights Act.

North Birmingham’s Bluestone Coke plant issued warning for Clean Water Act violations

The industrial plant has 60 days to clean up contaminated water in Five Mile Creek before it faces a federal lawsuit, local environmental groups warn.

To meet rising demand, UAB emergency room begins $73 million expansion

After experiencing a 20% increase in patient volume over the past five years, the hospital plans to double treatment capacity in its emergency department.

Alabama Republicans, despite Supreme Court ruling, reject call for second majority Black district

Lawmakers must adopt a new map by Friday after the high court in June affirmed a three-judge panel's ruling that Alabama’s existing congressional map likely violated the Voting Rights Act.