2023 Murrow Awards — News Series


Three-part series about the mental health treatment surround a new mental health crisis center opening in Birmingham, Alabama. The series aired Oct. 7, 8 and 9, 2022.

Part one examines the difficulties of treating mental health crises in hospital emergency rooms, which is common in Birmingham.

Part two looks at the pressures put on the local jail as it deals with treating people who has mental health issues.

Part three covers the new crisis center and what officials hope it will offer the community.


2024 Murrow Awards — Overall Excellence Entry

00:00 – ‘Ruffed’ up by school? These dogs help Birmingham students with stress 4:45 – Residents worry about unknown health impacts of toxic landfill fumes 9:10 – Morning newscast from Oct. 23, 2023 12:27 – Cahaba lily season draws crowds, inspires conservation efforts 18:05 – Tuberville defends hold on defense nominations, says Pentagon wrong to […]

2024 ABBY Award Entry — Station of the Year

WBHM’s audio entry for station of the year includes excerpts from: “Residents worry about unknown health impacts of toxic landfill fumes” — Jan. 27, 2023 “Tuberville defends hold on defense nominations, says Pentagon wrong to screen out white nationalists” — May 8, 2023 “Runoff Tuesday in race for House District 55” — Oct. 23, 2024 “Birmingham residents […]

2024 ABBY Award Entry — News Reporter, Mary Scott Hodgin

Montage of stories from Mary Scott Hodgin including: “Cahaba lily season draws crowds, inspires conservation efforts” — May 19, 2023 “Residents worry about unknown health impacts of toxic landfill fumes” — Jan. 27, 2023 “After botched executions, Alabama will try lethal injection again” — April 3, 2023 “How hard is life after prison? This simulation […]

2024 ABBY Award Entry — News Reporter, Richard Banks

Montage of stories from Richard Banks including: “An old school in Birmingham’s Bush Hills is now an urban farm. Residents are thinking bigger” — Jan. 6, 2023 “Tuberville defends hold on defense nominations, says Pentagon wrong to screen out white nationalists” — May 8, 2023 “From drought to heavy rain, climate change means more of […]

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