No Decision Yet On UAB Football Says President Ray Watts

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University of Alabama at Birmingham President Ray L. Watt says “no decision has been made yet” on the future of UAB’s football, bowling and rifle programs.

In a statement released this afternoon, Watts says the university plans “to make an announcement by June 1.”

This statement follows comments by State Representative Jack Williams to that he had “strong indications” the programs would not return.

“This could lead to irreparable damage at UAB in its relationship with the community,” Williams told

According to President Watt’s statement, UAB will “continue to consult with various stakeholders within the UAB community and consider the findings of the CSS report, along with other important, valuable and mission-critical data, in order to make the best decision for UAB, guided by our vision, mission and strategic plan.”

Watts said the next week would be spent meeting with various constituent groups.


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