Andrew Yeager

Managing Editor

It was probably inevitable that Andrew Yeager would end up working in public radio. The son of two teachers, NPR News programs often formed the backdrop to car rides growing up. And it was probably inevitable that Andrew would end up in news after discovering the record button on his tape recorder. He still remembers his first attempted interview - his uncooperative 2-year-old sister.

Originally from east central Indiana, Andrew earned degrees in broadcasting and political science from Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. While there he spent more than his fair share of time at WOBN, the student-run radio station. After college Andrew worked for an educational non-profit and volunteered at WMUB in Oxford, Ohio. He ventured into public radio full-time as a reporter for WNIN in Evansville, Ind. Besides covering an array of local stories, Andrew's work has been heard on many public radio programs.

Andrew lives with his wife and two children in Birmingham. When not consumed by public radio work, he's often picking up items strewn about the house by said children, reading or heading out on a bike ride when not enveloped by the Alabama heat.

A Challenge to Alabama’s Immigration Law

Opponents of Alabama's new immigration law spent Wednesday in federal court trying to convince a judge to block the measure from going into effect on September first. The legal showdown over what's been called the toughest crackdown on illegal immigration in the country pits the U.S. Justice Department, a coalition of civil rights groups and church leaders against attorneys for the state of Alabama. They argue there's no reason the law shouldn't take effect as planned. NPR National Correspondent Debbie Elliot is watching the action at the federal courthouse in Birmingham and spoke with WBHM's Andrew Yeager.

A Verdict in Alabama’s Gambling Corruption Trial

Prosecutors with the Justice Department are contemplating their next move after the jury in Alabama's gambling corruption trial returned no guilty verdicts. The partial verdict still leaves VictoryLand casino owner Milton McGregor and six others facing unresolved charges. While defense lawyers were glad to have acquittals on some counts, WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports they're still gearing up for what could be another court battle.

Alabama’s Gambling Corruption Trial

This summer nine defendants including Alabama casino owner Milton McGregor go on trial. They're accused of buying and selling votes around a pro-gambling bill in the state legislature. The case draws on hours of secretly recorded wiretaps and promises to reveal the underside of wheeling and dealing in Montgomery. WBHM's Andrew Yeager will follow the month's long case and offers updates of the unfolding action.

Open Meetings Law

Jefferson County Commissioners will meet tomorrow to determine their next move as the county struggles with more than three billion dollars of sewer debt. They could reach a settlement with creditors or file what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. But they'll hold the meeting in executive session. That means meeting with lawyers, behind closed doors. And as WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports that has some questioning if they're violating Alabama's open meetings law.

The 2011 Tornadoes: Phil Campbell

People from around the world will converge on tiny Phil Campbell, Alabama, this weekend. And not just any anybody. People named Phil Campbell. They're coming to help rebuild after an April tornado flattened half of the town, killing 26 people. As WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports, it's a celebration that's taken on new meaning after the disaster.

The 2011 Tornadoes: Mental Health

Victims of April's tornadoes have endured a whirlwind of emotions. It's virtually impossible to live through such a disaster and not endure mental stress and strain. But the adrenaline and shock of those first few days are wearing off, bringing on a new set of mental health concerns. WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports.

The 2011 Tornadoes: Cross-country Help

Donations and volunteers have poured into Alabama as communities work to rebuild from last month's tornados. Some are here through established organizations such as the Red Cross. Others from the Gulf Coast helped out, saying they're giving back because of what they received after Hurricane Katrina. But for two California nurses, they never imagined they'd find themselves in the thick of the response. WBHM's Andrew Yeager has their story.

Legislative Review and Preview 2011/05/06

The 2011 Alabama legislative session is underway and lawmakers have their plates full. A slow economic recovery means budget cuts are likely. A new governor is in town. And Republicans take the reigns of the legislature for the first time in 136 years. Friday mornings, WBHM's Andrew Yeager talks to two state lawmakers to update you on activity from the state house.

The 2011 Tornadoes: Churches

Governor Robert Bentley has declared Sunday a day of prayer for victims of the tornados which swept through the south on Wednesday. Alabama is a state where religious faith is ever present and a rallying point for communities. WBHM's Andrew Yeager offers this glimpse of how churches are weathering the storm.

The 2011 Tornadoes: Cullman

President Obama spent Friday morning touring tornado-ravaged neighborhoods in Tuscaloosa. He says he's never seen such devastation. Almost 300 people have died so far from tornados which blanketed the south Wednesday. More than two thirds of the deaths are in Alabama . For survivors, one of the biggest issues to deal with is no power. WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports.

Northern Beltline: Downtown Development

Birmingham's downtown has added many feathers to it cap in recent years. City officials point to last year's opening of Railroad Park, a growing restaurant scene, new office and hotel space in the works. It's a rebirth some critics of the northern beltline say could be muted by that bypass. This week we're taking a look at the proposed 52 mile highway planned for the northern half of Jefferson County. WBHM's Andrew Yeager examines what a new interstate bypass might mean for development in downtown Birmingham.

New Leadership at the BBA

Birmingham's regional economic development organization is under new leadership. The Birmingham Business Alliance hired Brian Hilson last month as its President and CEO. He comes from the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce. He previously worked at the Birmingham Metropolitan Development Board. WBHM's Andrew Yeager spoke to Hilson.

Alabama and the Oil Spill: Marketing Seafood

It's been almost a year since millions of barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. If you're still a little leery about eating seafood from the gulf, you're not alone. One study found about 70% of consumers nationwide are concerned about seafood safety. Almost a quarter have reduced how much they eat. Alabama's seafood industry says the catch has been tested and is safe. But as WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports getting that message out isn't easy.

Alabama’s Immigration Bill

The Alabama House is set to take up bill today aimed at curbing illegal immigration. It's patterned after a similar law passed last year in Arizona and would punish individuals in Alabama without documentation for trespassing. That could mean jail, fines or being turned over to federal immigration authorities. WBHM's Andrew Yeager talks to some in the business community who are worried about what an Arizona-style law might mean for Alabama.

A New Leader for Birmingham Southern College

Birmingham Southern College has new leadership today. General Charles Krulak will become the new president of the school, taking the reigns officially on June first. He's a retired U.S. Marine Commandant and former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Krulak has also worked in banking in the U.S. and Europe. WBHM's Andrew Yeager spoke with Krulak.

Tax Refund: Paper to Plastic

Are you waiting for your tax refund? A lot of people are. But now a handful of low income taxpayers have the option of putting their refunds on a prepaid debit card. It's faster, more secure and the government says it'll save money. As WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports, a lot of eyes will be watching how this countrywide experiment pans out.

Impact Alabama’s Savings Contest

If you've ever bought a lottery ticket or played a slot machine, you probably know the thrill that comes with a chance to win a fortune. Of course, if you don't make the long odds, you're out some cash. But what if that same excitement could be turned into savings? One Alabama organization is using the current income tax season as a savings contest for low income residents. But as WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports it's an untested idea.

Stuff: One Man’s Stuff

All this week we've been looking at stuff by examining some of the things we keep and the stories contained in them. Of course many of us have no shortage of possessions. We store things in basements or attics. Even rent storage units because we've run out of room. But what if all you had was what you could carry around yourself? What would you keep? WBHM's Andrew Yeager continues our series "Stuff" with a look at the things one Birmingham homeless man hangs onto.

Stuff: Where Stuff Goes to Die

Think about all the stuff you have. Probably functional things like a car or cell phone. Also clothing, chairs or a kitchen table. There are sentimental items too, maybe a childhood toy or old pictures. For most of us, we have plenty of stuff. Those items contain stories and act as a mirror of sorts for our lives. And we'll explore some of that this week in our series "Stuff." We start with the end. WBHM's Andrew Yeager takes a look at where some of our stuff ends up when we're done with it.

Alabama and the Oil Spill: Federal Report

A president commission studying last year's BP gulf oil spill is out with its final report this week. It contains recommendations the panel hopes will prevent another large-scale oil disaster. The include a new federal agency to oversee offshore drilling, an industry-created institute to police safety and increasing the liability caps for damages when companies drill off shore. The report also pieces together the events surrounding last April's oil well explosion. Commissioner Terry Garcia tells WBHM's Andrew Yeager that the panel concluded the disaster could have been prevented and that blame doesn't rest just with BP. It goes industry wide.

Magic City Marketplace

The Birmingham marketplace is connected by people who have to grapple with numbers and projections and spin. We try and slice through the psychobabble that can be business news with our occasional segment featuring the editor of the Birmingham Business Journal.

John Archibald

Our weekly segment features The Birmingham News columnist John Archibald, discussing the city politic (and county and state politic too). Instead of being unplugged as he is in the newspaper, we offer him a bullhorn. Sort of.

Southwest, AirTran and Birmingham

AAA predicts more than 42 million Americans will hit the roads and take to the air this Thanksgiving, traditionally the busiest travel period of the year. At the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport, many of those holiday travelers will fly the airport's biggest carrier - Southwest Airlines. Southwest announced this fall it would buy rival AirTran for $1.4 billion dollars. But as WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports the deal may not be the best news for Birmingham.

On the Line: Election 2010

Next Tuesday, Alabamians head to the polls for this year's mid-term elections. Voters will select a new governor among other state offices. Control of the Alabama legislature and Capitol Hill are up for grabs. WBHM wants to hear your thoughts on the candidates and issues during our special call in program, On The Line: Election 2010.

Election 2010: Governor’s Race and Gambling

Next week, Alabamians head to the polls for this year's mid-term elections. Voters will select congressmen, state legislators, and a new governor. This morning on WBHM, we kick off Election 2010 - a week long look at some of the key races and issues on the ballot.

Gambling Arrests

Federal agents arrested 11 people in Alabama this Monday, including four state senators and Alabama's top two casino owners, in an alleged vote-buying scheme. The case centers on a failed effort to legalize electronic bingo. It's the latest in a months-long bribery and corruption investigation and legal battle over bingo expansion in Alabama. WBHM's Andrew Yeager retraces the events.

Blueprint Birmingham

WBHM continues a series of conversations reacting to Blueprint Birmingham. That's the regional economic development plan announced last week by the Birmingham Business Alliance. It offers a five-year framework for addressing issues from leadership to education to economic growth.

Railroad Park Opens

New York has Central Park. There's Grant Park in Chicago. Atlanta has Centennial Olympic Park as well. They're parks sitting right in the middle of an urban landscape. And on Saturday Birmingham will have Railroad Park. The idea of a downtown park in Birmingham goes back decades. It took more than 10 years to build Railroad Park, which lays along the railroad tracks between UAB and downtown Birmingham. As officials open it tomorrow, they're hoping Birmingham's new "backyard" will bring not just people, but business too. WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports.

Price of Poverty: Involuntary Flextime

If a job offers flextime, that's a good thing right? You can take off to make that doctor's appointment or catch your kid's soccer game. But in many low-wage jobs - particularly retail or hourly jobs - workers there face what could be called involuntary flextime. Schedules are posted only a few days in advance. Shifts may change. Work is unpredictable. That makes arranging childcare, taking classes or working a second job very difficult.

Price of Poverty: Buy-a-Meter

When you brushed your teeth this morning or took a shower, did water come out of the faucet? You probably didn't give it a second thought. For some though, even here in Alabama, water is far from a guarantee. As we continue our series The Price of Poverty, WBHM's Andrew Yeager takes us to Hale County in the black belt, a place where seeing to it that everybody has clean, reliable water has been a bit like swimming upstream.

Occupational Tax Settlement

Jefferson County commissioners approved a settlement today in the long running dispute over the county's occupational tax. Lawyers for workers in Jefferson County had successfully challenged the legality of the tax, prompting court ordered refunds. Under the plan, the county would get about $20 million in exchange for giving up the right to impose a new, retroactive tax. Employed Jefferson County residents would split nearly $31 million with lawyers who challenged the tax. The lawyers have requested a 35% fee. Alabama State Bar President-elect James Pratt mediated the settlement approved today. Pratt says he will now issue a report to the judge.

Robert Bentley

Bradley Byrne and Robert Bentley have just a few days left to convince voters they should be the Republican nominee for Alabama governor. Tuesday is the runoff election. It's been a hot contest at a time when Alabama's weak economy underlies virtually every issue. WBHM's Andrew Yeager spoke with State Representative Robert Bentley who says legislation he authored in the last legislative session is helping put some Alabamians back to work.