What do you have to do each summer?


By Andrew Gelderman

Sunshine and rising temperatures herald in a new season as people prepare for their favorite summertime activities. During the WBHM Junior board’s recent beer release at TrimTab Brewing Company, we asked those present what was at the top of their summer to-do lists.

Bethany Boatwright

The thing that I have to do every summer is have a tomato sandwich with Duke’s mayo – it’s got the twang.

Colin Soniat

The one thing I have to do every summer is certainly go on vacation with my family. My wife always went to Smith Lake as a kid, and so it’s really special to her. So every summer, we always go there.

Jordan Smith

One thing I have to do every summer is go to Pensacola Pride with all my queer friends.

Amanda Graham

What is one thing you have to do every summer? Probably go to a Barons baseball game. When it’s about that time for summer to start, I just want to eat a good hot dog and hear the crack of that bat.

Marc Fishel

The one thing I try to do every summer is get my dog Hercules to the river as often as I can.

Whitt Sheumaker

I think one thing you have to do every summer is swim

Becca McGee

One thing I have to do every summer is go to the ocean. And I will be there, wherever she will have me. Any ocean.


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