Why I Support WBHM: Jane Errett and her Goats

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“If I’m down in the basement, or if I’m upstairs, I usually have WBHM on. And because I love to spend time out in the yard, I drag out this long extension cord and my boom-box and listen to WBHM as I work … The goats are right nearby, so I figure I have the most informed *goats in Cullman County, or perhaps in the whole state of Alabama.”

“It’s so informative, such a variety of subjects … and it wouldn’t be here without support. And WBHM plays a very important role in local [news] and around the nation. So I feel like, it contributes that much to your life, it’s not too much to ask to support it.”

*It’s hard to accurately transcribe goat sounds (though it’s easy to split infinitives, which actually is proper and permissible). Anyway, we at WBHM are not kidding when we recommend that you listen to get the full experience of this strange tale of multi-species enlightenment. 


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