Why I Support WBHM: Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones grew up in Hoover but he travels the world regularly, and he says, “I work a lot outside of Alabama … I’ve had to go to different places throughout the South and across the country, and really around the world. And one of the things that WBHM gives me is it gives me a sense of place. I’m never far from home. It’s always right there, whether it’s in my pocket, online, wherever I have to go, I can find out what’s going on in Alabama at the drop of a hat. So it really comes in handy to feel like home is right there with me.”
“I love Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. I really enjoy Radiolab. I love the Marketplace Morning Report, and On The Media … Just about every single show that you have, I find time to listen to. WBHM gives you an insight not just into your today, but also into the future of Alabama and the future of Birmingham. And no one else does that on a regular basis. So I really value that insight, that understanding of not just where we are, but where we’re going.”
“I got tired of the regular top 40 stations, hearing the same song over and over again. No offense to Britney Spears or Katy Perry, but after a little while you just get tired of it. You know that things are going on in the world … and WBHM really is the only place that not just plugged you into what’s going on in the world, but gives you an unbiased view. It gives you multiple viewpoints to learn and gather and make decisions for yourself, as opposed to being yelled at like on so much other talk radio, hearing people’s biases. You actually get to hear from a multitude of sources and you make your own decisions and you become more informed. And that’s what I love about WBHM. I’m never left in the breach. I’m never left feeling as though there’s a side that I didn’t hear.”
“I really think people should understand that when they give to WBHM, it is worth every single cent. You won’t find a better quality of programming on the radio today. You spend so much money on so many other things that you don’t need. You pay for your Spotify, you pay for Apple Music, you pay for your coffee. You pay for so many things, and this radio station has endured for so long and given you so much, all you have to do is take a little time, give a little money, and make the station that much better.”
To join Ryan in supporting WBHM, public radio for the heart of Alabama and beyond, click here.
Why I Support WBHM: Christina Ochsenbauer
Dr. Christina Ochsenbauer says, “I’m originally from Germany and now I live in Homewood, for the past 20 years. I discovered WBHM when I came here from Europe, and I like to listen to it because it provides the in-depth coverage of national and world news that I was used to from home. I couldn’t […]
Why I Support WBHM: John Kappes
Dr. John Kappes says, “I’m originally from the Cincinnati, Ohio area and I’ve been in Birmingham for 30 years. I used to drive down 280, and there were a lot of choices up and down the radio. And it just came to be that I listened to a radio station, WBHM, supported and based here […]
Why I Support WBHM: Catherine Mayo
Catherine Mayo of Birmingham says, “I have three children, six, eight, and nine. I turn WBHM on around seven o’clock in the morning and it’s usually still playing until seven at night. Because WBHM is playing throughout our house all day, a lot of conversations are sparked that we normally would not have. And it […]
Why I Support WBHM: Brent Womble
“My name is Brent Womble. I support WBHM and I listen to it all day, every day.” “I started listening to WBHM either 2013 or 2014, and I decided to become a member in the fall fund drive of last year.” “You know, something that’s said a lot on the air during the fund drive […]
Why I Support WBHM: Josh Rutsky
“My name is Josh Rutsky. I am the coach of the Hoover High School Quiz Bowl team and I have been a member of WBHM for one year now.” “When one of my students on the high school quiz bowl team that I coach asked me, ‘Well how do you study current events? How do […]
Why I Support WBHM: Karen Sweeney
“I love that I can turn WBHM on every morning. I hear the news talked about in a rational, thoughtful, logical, well-researched way. It’s just the opposite of click bate and fake news that we’re so inundated with now.” “One of my favorite shows is Radiolab, and they recently did a piece on technology that’s […]