Alabama Legislator to Start Impeachment Process Against Governor Bentley

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An Alabama legislator says he’ll introduce articles of impeachment against Governor Robert Bentley.

Flanked by other lawmakers, Republican Representative Ed Henry of Hartselle announced his plan at a press conference Tuesday afternoon in Madison. Henry says the recent scandal involving Bentley and his former top adviser Rebekah Caldwell Mason have tarnished the governor’s reputation as a trustworthy leader.  

“We’re looking at this governor who has essentially betrayed the trust of the people of Alabama through actions and lies that have caused us to have some doubt about his leadership,” Henry told the crowd. 

Joining Henry onstage were Ethics Committee Chairman Mike Ball (R-Madison County), House Rural Caucus Chairman David Standridge (R-Hayden) and House Minority Leader Craig Ford (D-Gadsden).

Ford, who called for Bentley’s resignation almost immediately after the allegations came to light, commended Henry for his work, adding, “This is not about Democrats and Republicans. This is about right and wrong.”

Bentley has admitted that he made inappropriate remarks to the former aide, Rebekah Caldwell Mason. However, Bentley denies suggestions that the two had an affair or that he’s done anything illegal. Mason resigned last week.

“It’s a sad day that we have to initiate this process,” said Ethics Committee Chairman Mike Ball. “This begins a lot of discussion about how this unfortunate set of circumstances has affected us all. It’s certainly not a glad time for anybody.”

“We’ve never done this before. We’ve never tried to impeach a governor,” says Henry. “It’s going to be a process, but the process starts today.”

Henry acknowledged lawmakers would have a lot to figure out if impeachment proceedings go forward. Alabama hasn’t moved to impeach a governor since 1915, and the state’s constitution isn’t clear about the process.

In a statement today, Governor Bentley calls the effort to impeach him “political grandstanding intended to grab headlines and take the focus away from the important issues the Legislature still has to address before the end of the session.”

Bentley says he will vigorously defend himself, and denied that there were grounds for impeachment.

“For five years, I have faithfully served the people of Alabama. We have made great progress streamlining the way state government operates and have saved taxpayers more than $1 billion annually,” says Bentley’s statement.

But on Monday, Bentley was “humbly” asking Alabamians and God for their forgiveness.”I’ve asked God to forgive me because that’s the most important thing,” Bentley told reporters after a tour of Limestone Correctional facility. The governor said he had to “own” the problem and that he has made no excuses for his behavior.

Representative Henry is unmoved. “I’m thankful that the governor has reconciled his actions with our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope the best for him,” said Henry Tuesday afternoon. “But, as always, our actions, while we may in a spiritual sense find forgiveness, they still have consequences.”

Esther Ciammachilli contributed to this report. 


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