William Parker
Birmingham City Council To Hear $13 Million Vaccine Sweepstakes Proposal Tuesday
Council President William Parker's plan includes gift cards, savings bonds, college scholarships and drawings in an attempt to encourage more people get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Derelict Banks High School Building Set To Be Demolished
The Birmingham City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve the one-year extension of a loan agreement with the Alabama Department of Environmental Management to tear down the building.
Birmingham City Council Approves The Council President’s Trip To Meet With Legislators
The Birmingham City Council has approved its first official travel since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last year.
Park Board Approves Making Legion Field A 24/7 Vaccination Site
Legion Field has been operating as a testing site for COVID-19. Now officials want to expand the operation to include coronavirus vaccinations.
Protesters Not Allowed Into Birmingham Council Meeting To Speak On Drastic Cuts To The Library Budget
Protesters gathered outside Birmingham City Hall on Tuesday morning, but they weren’t allowed to speak at the City Council meeting going on three stories above them.
Birmingham Council Approves Sending Up to 297 Neighborhood Reps to Conference
The Birmingham City Council voted Tuesday to send up to 297 neighborhood representatives to this May’s Neighborhoods USA Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Alexander Retains Seat in Birmingham City Council District 7 Runoff
Despite strong opposition from challenger Ray Brooks, incumbent District 7 City Councilor Wardine Alexander appears to have retained her seat on the Birmingham City Council.
Birmingham Council Chips in on East Lake Grocery Revamp as Part of Battle Against Food Deserts
The Birmingham City Council voted Tuesday to approve a slate of economic incentives for one East Lake grocery store, continuing the Woodfin administration’s pledge to work toward eliminating food deserts in the city.
Birmingham to Pilot Ridesharing Service
Birmingham will try a new ridesharing service to offer area residents more public transit options.
MLB Youth Foundation Reassessing Plans for Youth Academy at George Ward Park
Update – March 6, 2019 The City of Birmingham later provided to WBHM the mayor’s full comment, a portion of which appeared in the BirminghamWatch story below. “I’ll try to make this short. I received a lot of emails and calls and texts and I think I saw the word ‘my,’ ‘our’ more than […]
Birmingham Council Supports Renaming CrossPlex for Langford, Question Parker’s Bid to Bring Oakland Raiders to Legion Field
Mayor Randall Woodfin and members of the Birmingham City Council announced Tuesday that they would support changing the name of the Birmingham CrossPlex to honor former Mayor Larry Langford, who died last month.