How to Listen


WBHM is NPR News for the Heart of Alabama, and you can take us with you wherever you go! Here’s how.


Tune in to 90.3 FM in the Birmingham area. That signal has a radius of approximately 60-100+ miles (see the coverage map). Listeners in Birmingham and down the Hwy. 280 corridor may also listen at 106.1 FM (see the coverage map). Depending on weather conditions and topography our signal may reach farther or have some static in certain areas. 


Stream online here at by clicking “Listen Live” at the top of this page. If you prefer to listen on a different player, here are direct links to copy and paste into your player:


There are several different ways you can access WBHM through smart speakers.


  • “Alexa, play NPR” plays WBHM via NPR.
  • “Alexa, play WBHM” plays via another stream provider, usually TuneIn.


  • “Hey Google, play NPR” plays WBHM via  NPR.
  • “Hey Google, play WBHM” plays directly from NPR unless you’re already getting the stream from TuneIn or another provider.


We do not recommend SONOS due to ongoing technical issues some listeners are experiencing. SONOS reports this is a known issue and that they are working to fix it. At this time, these issues remain unresolved.

UPDATE: (3/5/21 at 1 p.m.) we believe the problems with SONUS could be fixed. If you experienced issues listening to WBHM via SONUS, we ask that you please try again now and contact us with your results.

UPDATE: (3/7/21 at 8:54 a.m.) Several WBHM listeners using SONUS report our online stream is now working. If you’re still experiencing issues listening to WBHM via SONUS, please contact us.