WBHM Politics: Women Running for Office

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The ballot for state elections this fall is shaping up after Friday’s deadline for candidates to qualify. There are a notable number of women running for office this year. Alabama’s governor and chief justice are both women and they’re running to keep their jobs. The #MeToo movement appears to have encouraged some women to jump into the fray as well.

But any electoral success for women in Alabama would come from a comparatively low starting point. Just 15 percent of state lawmakers are women. That’s 45th among the states.

We discuss women running for office with Stacie Propst, executive director of Emerge Alabama, Susan DuBose of the Greater Birmingham Republican Women and Professor Kelly Dittmar with Rutgers University’s Center for American Women and Politics.

Listen here or subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play or NPR One.


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