Doug Jones (D)

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doug-jones-croppedName: Doug Jones

Age: 63

Residence: Birmingham

Political races run: None

Political offices held, including dates: Appointed U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, 1997-2001.

Professional experience: Staff counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, working for Sen. Howell Heflin, 1979-1980; assistant U.S. attorney in Birmingham, 1980-1984; private law practice in Birmingham, 1984-1997; nominated by President Clinton to be U.S. attorney in the Northern District of Alabama, 1997-2001; private law practice in Birmingham, 2001-present.

Education: University of Alabama, bachelor’s in political science, 1975; Cumberland School of Law, juris doctor, 1979.

Civic experience: Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, board member, 2010-2017; Leadership Birmingham, 1998-1999; National Association of Former U.S. Attorneys, board member since 2010, served in several offices; Birmingham Zoo board of directors, 2017-present; Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime and Incarceration, Brennan Center for Justice, New York University School of Law, 2016-present; Center for Law and Civic Education, 2001-present.

Main issues: Top issue is restoring trust, belief and decency to government; wants to provide quality education for all children; defend women’s access to contraception and their right to choose; ensure quality, affordable health care that includes allowing young people to stay on their parents’ insurance, preventing discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions and guaranteeing veterans’ care; and reform government regulations on small and mid-sized businesses.

Campaign web site:

Top contributors: Total contributions: $158,418.

$2,000: Kenneth Feinberg, Washington, DC.

$1,000: Martin Abroms, Florence; Andrew Allen, Birmingham; Charles Anderson, Florence; Charles AndersonJr., Knoxville, TN; Clyde Anderson, Birmingham; Harold Anderson, Atlanta, GA; Hilda Anderson, Florence; James Anderson, Montgomery; Susan Anderson, Florence; Susan B. Anderson, Montgomery; Terry Anderson, Florence; D. Leon Ashford, Birmingham; Nolan Awbrey, Birmingham; Thomas E. Baddley, Birmingham; Kay Bains, Birmingham; Freta Banks, Birmingham; Thomas Banks, Birmingham; William Blount, Montgomery; Randy B. Brooks, Anniston; Nat Bryan, Birmingham; Frank Buck, Birmingham; William Burgess, Huntsville; Claude M. Burns Jr. Tuscaloosa; Julian Butler, Huntsville; James Byram Jr., Montgomery; Sandra Cochran, Birmingham; Steve Comblum, Birmingham; Ernest Cory, Birmingham;

Karen Cory, Birmingham; Janice Cowin, Birmingham; Wendy Brooks Crew, Birmingham; Charles Crowder, Birmingham; Timothy Dillard, Birmingham; Annie Davis, Birmingham; Philip Dotts, Huntsville; Charles Ellis, Birmingham; Michael Ermert, Birmingham; Willie Davis, Birmingham; Jeff Friedman, Birmingham; Bruce Gardner, Huntsville; Tonya Graham, Birmingham; John W Haley, Birmingham; Kathryn Harrington, Indian Springs; Randy Haynes, Alexander City; Linda Hornsby, Lacey Spring; Sharetta Hunter, Bessemer; Thomas Hunter, Bessemer; Gloria Jones, Birmingham; Gordon Jones, Birmingham;

Louise Jones, Samuel Kelley III, Rainbow City; Elizabeth Kelly, Calexico, CA; John Kelly, Modesto, CA; Leonor Kelly, Modest, CA; Louise Kelly, San Diego, CA; Maisie Kelly, San Diego, CA; Michael Kelly, San Diego, CA; Richard Kelly, San Diego, CA; James Kennemer, Birmingham; Nancy Kennemer, Hoover; Harold Kushner, Birmingham; Archie Lamb, Birmingham; Debra Lamb, Birmingham; Don Manuel, Birmingham; David H. Marsh, Birmingham; Elizabeth Marsh, Birmingham; Byrd Martin Jr., Birmingham; Steven Martino, Mobile; Teddy McDaniels, Birmingham; Stephanie McKenna, Homewood; Omar Medina, Tampa, FL; Matt C. Minner, Birmingham;

Shannon Mitchell, Albertville; Alex W. Newton, Birmingham; Henry G. Pannell, Atlanta, GA; Gordon Pate, Birmingham; Henry Lawrence Perry, Panama City, FL; Scott A. Powell, Birmingham; Ginger Quinn, Birmingham; Steve Raby, Huntsville; Jeffrey C. Rickard, Birmingham; Margaret D. Rickard, Vestavia Hills; Shay Samples, Birmingham; Christopher Seeger, New York, NY; Neal Sonnett, Miami, FL; Tommy Spina, Birmingham; S. Kent Stewart, Mountain Brook; Leah Taylor, Birmingham; Ted Taylor, Prattville; Jim Thompson, Birmingham; Janet Watson, Hampton Cove; Herman Watson Jr. Hampton Cove; Leila Watson, Birmingham; Robert Watson, Birmingham; Stephen Weiss, New York, NY; Joe Whatley, Birmingham; J. Mark White, Birmingham.

$750: Annesley Degaris, Birmingham; Harold Ripps, Birmingham.

$900: Jonathan Sapp, Jasper; John Warren II, Jasper.

$500: Emory Anthony Jr., Birmingham; James Arbury, Chevy Chase, Md.; Stephen Arnold, Birmingham; Duncan Blair, Birmingham; Donald Briskman, Mobile; Robin Burrell, Birmingham; Roger Burton, Birmingham; Charles Tyler Clark, Homewood; Tom Coburn, Tuscumbia; Greg Cusimano, Gadsden; Charles Denaburg, Birmingham; George Digiorgio; Scott Donaldson, Tuscaloosa; Joseph Fawal, Birmingham; Thomas Foster, Birmingham; Alvin Fox, Montgomery; Henry Froshin, Birmingham; Lloyd Gathings II, Birmingham; Charles Graffeo, Birmingham;

Theodore Gulas, Birmingham; F. Michael Haney, Gadsden; Edward Hardin, Birmingham; Gregory Hawley, Birmingham ; Howell Heflin, Tuscumbia; Jack Held, Birmingham; Richard Jaffe, Birmingham; Richard Jaffe, Birmingham; Robert Jones Jr., Birmingham; Joseph Mays Jr., Birmingham; Joseph Mays Jr., Birmingham; Edward Meyerson, Birmingham; C. Delaine Mountain, Tuscaloosa; Jerome Newmark, Jasper; Richard Ogle, Birmingham; Richard Pearson, Vestavia Hills; Giles Perkins, Birmingham; Leslie Proll, Washington, DC; James H. Seale III, Greensboro; John Robbins, Birmingham; Ann C. Robertson; Birmingham; E. Mabry Rogers, Birmingham;

Terrie Savage, Hartselle; Jason Stuckey, Vestavia Hills; Lawrence Sucharow, Princeton, NJ; David Tidmore, Birmingham; Helen Vance, Birmingham; Jonathan Waller, Birmingham; Maury Weiner, Birmingham; Thomas Willingham, Birmingham; Robert Yarbrough, Birmingham; Lee Zell, Birmingham.