maternal health care

Court ruling offers temporary victory for Alabama birth centers

The preliminary injunction requires Alabama public health officials to license birth centers that meet certain national standards.

In rural Mississippi, Baby University is helping parents with ‘more than diapers’

The free program in Clarksdale, Mississippi teaches young parents how to better care for their children while filling in the gaps of the social safety net.

Alabama’s health care system for women ranks near the bottom of this new scorecard

The Commonwealth Fund’s new report includes 12 new measures that evaluate and rank states on reproductive services and women’s health care.

Tell us your story about reproductive health care in the Gulf South

When it comes to reproductive health care, at what point did you realize things have changed since Roe v. Wade was overturned?

Why do so many Black women die in pregnancy? One reason: Doctors don’t take them seriously

Angelica Lyons knew it was dangerous for Black women to give birth in America. As a public health instructor, she taught college students about racial health disparities. Then, in 2019, it nearly happened to her.

To improve birth outcomes for uninsured moms, Birmingham is training more doulas

The city of Birmingham has teamed up with BirthWell Partners’ community doula project to sponsor 32 trainees to work in underserved communities.

54% of support comes from members

Alabama advocates urge treatment over punishment for pregnant women jailed for substance use

Alabama’s chemical endangerment laws are strict, especially for pregnant women. One program offers alternatives to jail for treating prenatal substance use.

In post-Roe Mississippi, pregnancy resource centers are becoming the last hope for maternal care

PRCs, like Life Choices in Columbus, can help expecting mothers in several ways, but experts say they're not a substitute for actual health care.

How Dr. Emily Fortney is using her clinical psychology work to help pregnant people

Suicide is a leading cause of death in women, and mood and anxiety disorders make perinatal risks more complicated. Dr. Fortney’s work is focused on this issue.

Alabama, Gulf States receive F rating in March of Dimes’ 2021 maternal health report

Alabama ranked toward the bottom in the nation for maternal and infant health outcomes in an annual report put out by March of Dimes, an organization that promotes maternal and infant health across the United States through research, education and advocacy.

54% of support comes from members