U.S. Capitol Riots
Tuberville defends hold on defense nominations, says Pentagon wrong to screen out white nationalists
U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville defends his hold on DOD nominations, and speaks about his bill to ban transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports and his objections to what he says are attempts by the Pentagon to screen out white nationalists.
Alabama Man Faces 17 Indictments After Riots At The U.S. Capitol
An Alabama man who was arrested last week following riots at the U.S. Capitol now faces additional federal weapons charges.
Democrats Gearing Up for Effort to Oust Mo Brooks in 2022
U.S. Representative Mo Brooks is facing backlash after his comments last week surrounding the pro-Trump riots at the U.S. Capitol.
Alabama Man Faces Federal Charges Following Riots At The U.S. Capitol
Lonnie Leroy Coffman, a 70-year-old from Falkville, Alabama, faces federal charges after being arrested this week during riots at the U.S. Capitol.
One Alabamian Dies During Siege At U.S. Capitol
One person from Alabama is dead after yesterday’s riots at the U.S. Capitol.
Alabama Republicans Condemn Pro-Trump Mob As Many Vow To Continue The Fight
Alabama lawmakers in Congress ranged in their reactions to Wednesday's Capitol breach by a mob of Trump supporters.