solar energy

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Public Hearing to Consider Future of Alabama Power’s ‘Solar Tax’

Solar power is becoming cheaper and more accessible nationwide. But in Alabama, residents face a roadblock. State regulators will hold a public hearing this week on Alabama Power's fee for solar panel users.

Environmental Groups: Fees Tied to Solar are ‘Unlawful’

Attorneys recently filed a complaint with the state Public Service Commission against Alabama Power over extra fees the power company imposes on homes, schools, and small businesses that use solar power. The complaint calls the five-year-old fees “unlawful” and “contrary to the public interest.”

UAB Unveils Completely Solar-Powered House for Upcoming Competition

The project is part of the 2017 Solar Decathlon competition taking place in Denver this October. UAB is competing against 12 other teams from around the world to see which team can build the best, completely solar-powered, full-size home.

54% of support comes from members
54% of support comes from members