Secretary of State John Merrill
New Report Outlines Voter Suppression In 2020 Election
A new report says Alabama did not do enough during the 2020 election to make voting easier for residents. But the Sec. of State disagrees.
Alabama’s Absentee Ballot Rules Draw Increased Scrutiny Amid Pandemic
Criticisms of Alabama’s absentee ballot requirements are intensifying. Legal challenges to the law call for greater accessibility, especially to the state's most vulnerable populations -- black residents, the elderly and those with disabilities.
Report Reveals Voter Access Difficult In Alabama
Super Tuesday is nearly a week away and hundreds-of-thousands of Alabama voters are expected to turn out. But according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Alabama remains one of the most difficult states for an eligible voter to register and cast a ballot.
Iowa’s Election Problems Can’t Happen in Alabama, Merrill Says
Problems like the ones in the Iowa Democratic caucus cannot happen in Alabama because the state holds elections, not closed meetings of political parties to select candidates, the state’s top elections official said Thursday.