Jefferson County Health Department
After years of increases, Jefferson County sees a decline in overdose fatalities
Following years of record-breaking increases, Jefferson County is finally seeing a decline in overdose fatalities. We talk to local officials to better understand the reasons for the drop, and if it’s a sign of a longer-term trend.
Jefferson County health providers ‘well equipped’ for The World Games
Officials plan to treat as many people as possible at on site medical tents. They say the biggest concern is heat-related illness.
Jefferson County Health Officer Dr. Mark Wilson: ‘I’m Really Just Begging People To Help’
Wilson said Alabama's health care system was nearly crippled during a winter COVID-19 surge. The delta variant has the potential to be even worse.
Jeffco Health Department To Roll Out Moderna Vaccine
The health department will soon begin its vaccine rollout as UAB drafts a timeline for making the vaccine available to more employees.
Health Inspectors Are Enforcing Coronavirus Rules, Can Close Jefferson County Restaurants And Bars That Do Not Comply
The Jefferson County Health Department is using food inspectors to monitor restaurant and bars’ adherence to COVID-19 orders, and they can immediately close establishments that do not comply.
Jefferson County Encourages More Coronavirus Testing As Cases Jump Statewide
The number of new coronavirus cases is rising in Alabama. Meanwhile, Jefferson County’s Health Department says some asymptomatic people should get checked.
UAB to Start COVID-19 Testing With Mobile Units in Bush Hills, Center Point
UAB will deploy a new COVID-19 mobile testing unit this week to communities across Jefferson County.
EPA Rejects Move To Strengthen Air Pollution Limits
The Trump EPA announced this week that it will not lower the current limit on particulate air pollution, an action that disappointed but didn’t surprise public health scientists and clean-air advocates.
Frustration With Health Department Intensifies as Environmental Groups Seek to Overturn ABC Coke’s Air Permit Renewal
Environmental groups say ABC Coke’s air permit renewal issued in April is flawed and are appealing to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to agree that it does not comply with requirements of the federal Clean Air Act.
North Birmingham Neighborhoods ‘Have Taken a Beating,’ Work to Unite Over Pollution Concerns
The EPA Superfund cleanup and ABC Coke’s proposed air emissions permit have dominated health concerns of residents in northern Birmingham neighborhoods for months. Now officials and residents of several neighborhoods there are attempting to form a coalition to broaden the concerns to other sources of possible pollution.
A Flu Shot, a Letter and an Unexpected Response
Every fall, doctors beg the public to get a flu shot. It might not be a big deal to an adult, but for a kid, that needle can be intimidating. WBHM’s Andrew Yeager recently found the story of a girl, a vaccine, a letter and an unexpected response.
County’s Major Air Polluters Concentrated in Low-Income, Minority Neighborhoods
By Hank Black The Oliver Robinson bribery trial, in which guilty verdicts were issued for officials of Drummond Coal Co. and its law firm, Balch & Bingham, revealed a gritty episode about avoiding environmental cleanup in North Birmingham. But there’s a bigger dirty picture. The vast majority of Jefferson County’s 31 major sources of pollution […]
A History Of Tuberculosis In Alabama
Homewood residents were startled late last month when Homewood City Schools announced that a freshmen at Homewood High School was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB). For most people, the respiratory disease tuberculosis is an anachronism, but it still kills more than a million people each year, mostly in developing countries. "Not surprisingly, TB has a long history in Alabama as well," says Nick Patterson, editor of the weekly newspaper WELD. Patterson recently wrote about TB's history in Alabama. He says, in the 50's, TB was a leading cause of death in Jefferson County.