High School
Traditional Graduation Ceremonies Back On At Some High Schools
Hoover City Schools announced it will move forward with in-person graduation ceremonies this week, and they’re not alone. Parents are divided on the issue.
Some Alabama Graduations Saved By Going Virtual
Most spring graduations are canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. But a few groups and institutions are organizing virtual ceremonies for the class of 2020
Small Fraction of Students Qualify for Birmingham Promise Scholarship
When it was announced recently that the Birmingham Promise would offer a full tuition scholarship to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, many praised the partnership as a way to give eligible Birmingham graduates a much-needed financial boost. But as it stands, most students wouldn't make the cut.
Thousands of Students Compete in Birmingham to be Top Speaker
Thousands of high school students are in Birmingham this week for the National Speech and Debate Association’s national tournament. WBHM's Andrew Yeager follows one Alabama student through the competition.
Commentary: Paula Odogwu “…living life as the person I want to be.”
High school is a time when most students get a better idea of who they are, and what they want to be. For commentator Paula Odogwu (oh-DOUGH-goo), that transformation wasn’t easy. But in the end, she found her true self. When I was four years old, my mom, my sister and I left Lagos, Nigeria, and […]
Commentary: She’lah Shreve “Have You Ever Used the F-word?”
With summer underway, some former high school seniors have a few months before they begin college. For commentator She’lah Shreve, there was a time when it looked like he might not even make it to high school graduation. Have you ever used the F-word? I’m talking about the word failure. My name is She’lah and I […]
Commentary: Berucha Cintron “I Will.”
With area high school graduations this month, some students can find themselves at a crossroads as they determine what's next in their life. For commentator, and high school senior Berucha Cintron, this crossroads took place in the form of a short, emotional conversation she had with her mother several years before.
Alabama High School ACT Results Show Increases And Some Disparities
Report from ACT reflects academic performance for the first full class of Alabama's graduating seniors taking the college entrance test as an exit exam.