gun violence

How Prepared is UAB Hospital for a Mass Shooting?

UAB Hospital is Alabama’s busiest high-level trauma center. But how prepared is the hospital for tragedy on a larger scale?

Jeffco Health Officials: Violence is a Public Health Issue

Violence is the newest strategic focus for the Jefferson County Department of Health. It was one of several topics discussed in Tuesday's annual State of Health in Jefferson County address.

Gun Violence Through the Eyes of a Trauma Surgeon

The recent shooting at the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover has renewed attention on the issue of gun violence. Dr. Jeff Kerby, head of trauma services at UAB, says to curb gun-related deaths and injuries, health officials must have a seat at the table.

Florida Gun Violence Survivors Join Alabama Activists In Gun Control Panel

When a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida earlier this year, killing 17 students and faculty, surviving students led a charge for gun control and launched a political movement to demand action from lawmakers.

WBHM Politics: Guns, Schools and Safety

The issue of guns and schools has been in the news the past month after a gunman walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people. In Birmingham these issues became very real when a student was shot and killed at Huffman High School earlier this month. We explore the topic through a series of conversations.

Birmingham Reacts to a Week of Violence with Marches, Rallies and Hope

The nation is still reeling from a string of violence last week, including the deaths of two black men, shot by the police, and the killings of five Dallas police officers during a peaceful protest. For more on the reaction from Birmingham, we’re joined by Nick Patterson, editor of the weekly newspaper WELD. He spoke to WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley.

Birmingham’s Police Chief on Combating Violent Crime in 2016

Birmingham finished last year with the highest number of homicides since 2008. That has city leaders worried, and pledging to put an emphasis on combating gun violence in 2016. And, according to Birmingham Police Chief A.C. Roper, Birmingham’s also seen a rise in violent crimes committed by young offenders.

Birmingham Leaders Look to Curb Gun Violence

“We ought to have an increased presence in our neighborhoods. We need to be safe," says Councilman Steven Hoyt.