Terry Lathan
State Republicans Criticize Doug Jones For Opposing Supreme Court Nominee
Republican party leaders say Democratic U.S. Sen. Doug Jones is making Alabama look weak by refusing to meet with Supreme Court nominee Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
Alabama NAACP Calls on Gov. Ivey to Resign
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey apologized Thursday for appearing in blackface in a skit more than 50 years ago while a student at Auburn University. Ivey says she does not remember the incident but does not deny it happened.
Alabama’s Wave of Women Candidates Won About Half of Offices Sought
Alabama, not unlike the rest of the country, had a wave of women on the ballot in this year’s primary election and in Tuesday’s general election.
State GOP Unwavering in Support for Moore
The Alabama Republican Party is holding firm in its support for U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore. According to Chairman Terry Lathan, “The ALGOP Steering Committee supports Judge Roy Moore as our nominee and trusts the voters as they make the ultimate decision in this crucial race.”
Alabama GOP Leader on Trump, Protests and More
There's been no shortage of controversy about President Donald Trump's first days in office, but the Republican grass roots of Alabama generally support what he's done so far. So we checked in with state Republican party chair Terry Lathan to get her perspective.
Lawmakers Pass Budget, Ask Questions Later
Lawmakers approve a General Fund budget that left an $85 million hole in the state’s Medicaid program and the head of the Alabama GOP feels compelled to defend the party. The latest from Kyle Whitmire, political columnist for The Birmingham News and AL.com.
Alabama Republican Committee Calls on House Speaker to Suspend Leadership Position
The Alabama Republican Party Steering Committee passed a resolution Sunday calling on House Speaker Mike Hubbard, who is awaiting trial on 23 felony ethics charges, to suspend his leadership position.