StoryCorps: “I found a voice…”
Amanda Keller and Lauren Jacobs work together at Birmingham’s Magic City Acceptance Center. In addition to being co-workers, they are also close friends. They came to the StoryCorps MobileBooth to talk about Amanda’s relationship with her late father and its influence on her work.
StoryCorps: “I am completely safe with you.”
Ginger Wyatt and Winston Lancaster started dating in 1984. but the relationship didn’t last. They broke up and had no communication for almost 30 years. One day in 2012, Ginger decided to reach into the past and find Winston. They came to StoryCorps together.
StoryCorps: “Play the ball where it lies”
Natalie Holland learned to play golf from her father, Donald Holland. In their StoryCorps interview, they talk about how lessons learned from golf transcend to other areas of life.
StoryCorps: “The first time I felt intelligent…”
Karon Bullock fell in love with the outdoors when she attended science camp in the fifth grade. She was soon hiking, biking, or running daily, but a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 24 changed her relationship with the outdoors. Karon came to StoryCorps with her husband Joel.
StoryCorps Founder Brings One Small Step Event to Birmingham
StoryCorps has provided people across the U.S. the opportunity to record and preserve the stories of their lives. Now, the organization is taking that idea to another level with One Small Step. StoryCorps' founder, Dave Isay, shares more.
One Small Step: “There is more to you…”
Nicole Watkins has mobility issues as a result of spina bifida. She identifies as a liberal with strong feelings about healthcare. Austin Suellentrop, a self-identified conservative, has strong feelings about abortion.
Take “One Small Step” in the Heart of Alabama
CLICK HERE TO APPLY! (UPDATE: Applications are now closed.) Was there a moment, event, or person in your life that shaped your political views? What’s most hurtful to you about what people across the political divides say about people on your side? Can you think of any traits you admire in people on the other […]
StoryCorps Announces 2019 Mobile Tour of the U.S.
Groundbreaking personal history project StoryCorps returns to the road with the 2019 tour of its MobileBooth—the Airstream trailer converted into a mobile recording studio. As it travels around the country between January 5 and December 21, the MobileBooth will offer Americans the simple yet singular opportunity to record meaningful conversations about their lives, to be […]
StoryCorps: “There’s a little piece of you that’s still shining through.”
Amanda: So how does your queerness impact you on a day-to-day basis? Steven: My queerness operates in very different ways when I’m in a professional setting. I’m expected to be in slacks and things that are not form-fitting. Three months into the job, I was told if I wanted to fit in, I needed to […]
StoryCorps: “I’m not complicated…”
Lacey: I identify as bisexual so that means that I am attracted to people of multiple genders. I used to feel like, in queer spaces, that I wasn’t queer enough to be there. I was constantly having this fear that other people were sort of assessing my queerness. It constantly felt like it was insufficient […]
StoryCorps: “You’re a person of value…”
Kristye: I feel like I loved you before our first date, but I didn’t think that was possible. And when I pulled up to meet you, I got out of my car and you got out of your car, and I’ll never forget the look on your face because you … your eyes were real wide, […]
The Great Thanksgiving Listen
WBHM is proud to partner with StoryCorps for the Great Thanksgiving Listen. This Thanksgiving weekend, StoryCorps will work with teachers and high school students across the country to preserve the voices and stories of an entire generation of Americans over a single holiday weekend. Open to everyone, The Great Thanksgiving Listen is a national assignment […]
StoryCorps: “I got in the most trouble I think I ever had in my entire life.”
Derrick: When I was younger, I remember I was on the playground and I kissed a boy. It wasn’t like anything sexualized or anything like that, but I got in the most trouble I think I ever had in my entire life. I had no perception of what bisexuality was, but I guess that was when I would […]
StoryCorps: “The difference is in everybody’s heads.”
Jonathan Hankins and partner Maura Barnett are expecting their first child and discuss raising him with their gender nonconforming values. They had a conversation at Storycorp's mobile booth in Birmingham, AL
StoryCorps: “I need to get my last name legally changed, please.”
Gregory and Joshua Laning share their experiences getting their names changed and talk about being one of the first legally gay married couples in Alabama. They had a conversation at Storycorp’s mobile booth in Birmingham, AL
StoryCorps: “Because I love him.”
Neil Rafferty talks to his partner Mike Rudulph about their emotions before Mikes deployment to Iraq. They had a conversation at Storycorp's mobile booth in Birmingham, AL
StoryCorps: “We’re just people too.”
Jennifer Sumner and her 12-year-old son Rae talk about the challenges of being transgender. They had a conversation at Storycorp's mobile booth in Birmingham, AL
WBHM Partners with StoryCorps OutLoud
Public Radio WBHM 90.3 FM is partnering with StoryCorps to broadcast selections from its StoryCorps OutLoud initiative recorded in Birmingham. StoryCorps OutLoud is a multi-year project dedicated to preserving the often unheard voices of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people. WBHM will share these stories on air and online Tuesdays and Fridays throughout November, 2015. […]
WBHM Visits YouthServe’s Urban Service Grad Camp
This morning, WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley and Michael Krall visited the first day of YouthServe, Inc.’s Urban Service Grad Camp to talk about storytelling. YouthServe is an organization that encourages leadership and volunteerism while empowering young people in Birmingham. Lindley and Krall led a session of YouthServe’s Advanced Mini Camp, which features key community issues and allows high […]
StoryCorps is an oral history project based on the idea that the stories of everyday people are the most important and interesting of all. Listen to stories from Alabamians.