20 Years After 9/11, Leader With The Birmingham Islamic Society Says Progress Is ‘Miniscule’
Many will reflect on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks this weekend. But for members of the Muslim community, that event brings on a complicated set of emotions.
“Alabama Unity Rally” Peaceful but Fiercely Anti-Trump
Recent anti-Donald Trump rallies around the nation have been marred by violence. Some feared that would happen in Birmingham, especially after social-media threats. But Saturday night, though hundreds protested, no one got hurt. That’s not to say emotions weren’t high.
Local Islamic Leaders Denounce Orlando Shooting, Stress Unity
Islamic leaders in Alabama have condemned Sunday morning’s deadly shooting rampage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida -- a shooting carried out by a Muslim man claiming allegiance to the Islamic State. WBHM’s Sherrel Wheeler Stewart spoke with Khaula Hadeed, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Alabama.
Birmingham Residents Rally to Show Support for Syrian Refugees
A about four dozen people gathered Saturday morning in Birmingham's Railroad Park downtown to take a picture showing that some Alabamians would like to accept Syrian refugees.
Support For Trump in Alabama Still High Despite Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
From a pig’s head left outside a Philadelphia mosque this week to mounting threats in other parts of the US, the backlash against Muslims has intensified. In Alabama, the Ku Klux Klan is reportedly distributing fliers urging recruits to “fight the spread of Islam in our country.” This, along with Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s heated rhetoric, has many of the state’s Muslims on edge.
Muslim Organization Calls on Public Leaders to Condemn Anti-Islamic Sentiment
The Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling on public officials to condemn growing anti-Islamic sentiment, specifically a flier they say has been distributed in northern Alabama. CAIR says the recruitment flier from the Ku Klux Klan has been distributed in Cullman and Decatur and urges people help the group "fight the spread of Islam" in the United States.
INTERVIEW: Terrorism Expert Randall Law
Birmingham– Recently our education reporter needed a terrorism expert for a story about a new type of bomb-sniffing dogs being developed at Auburn University, so he sat down with Birmingham-Southern College’s Randall Law, an author and a terrorism historian. Their rolling conversation covered profiling, politics, the psychology of terror and more. It was so interesting we thought […]