Councilor Steven Hoyt
Council Postpones Vote On Holiday Pay, Says Woodfin Expects Them To Make Budget Decisions “Blindly”
The Birmingham City Council delayed a proposal to pay city employees for an unpaid holiday on Black Friday.
Birmingham Council Reallocates Unused CrossPlex Funds to Repave Roads, Under Protest
The Birmingham City Council voted Tuesday to reallocate money from a completed capital project at the Birmingham CrossPlex to citywide road repaving, rebuffing the protests of District 8 Councilor Steven Hoyt, who called the proposal “unfair.”
Trash Talk: Birmingham’s Litter Problem
Call it what you want: trash, litter, debris … stuff. It seems like it’s everywhere. You’ll find it on front lawns and on busy highways. Officials say trash in the Birmingham area in particular is a problem. Here, we catch up with some of the folks who pick it all up.
Firehouse Ministries Loses City Money in Racially Charged Dispute
Tensions continued through the week between a Birmingham City Council member and Mayor Randall Woodfin over the council’s Tuesday decision not to contribute $1 million over five years to the Firehouse Ministries Homeless Shelter.
‘Gentlemen!’ Gas Station Safety Debate Turns Heated, Ends With Rebuke
Tempers flared on the Birmingham City Council during Tuesday’s meeting over a proposal to revoke the business license of a gas station where several people have been killed.