consent decree

Jefferson County released from sewer consent decree

A federal judge on Thursday released Jefferson County from a decades-long consent decree ordering rehabilitation of its sewer system. As part of the agreement, the county committed to completing several additional capital improvement projects by early 2027 that are planned and funded to further reduce sewer overflows.

Jefferson County Emerges From Consent Decree After 45 Years

After 45 years, Jefferson County has been released from its consent decree.

Jefferson County Bids for Release From HR Consent Decree

Jefferson County's attorney filed a motion yesterday asking that the county be removed from its consent decree.

Jefferson County Gets New Human Resources Director, Raising Hopes for Lifting Consent Decree on Personnel Practices

Jefferson County Commissioner Joe Knight offered a predictable straight line after Caroline Brown was introduced as Jefferson County’s new human resource director at Tuesday’s commission committee meeting.

54% of support comes from members