U.S. House of Representatives
Ongoing: Watch Senate Impeachment Trial Live
The Senate is holding a trial on the impeachment of President Trump, who is accused by the U.S. House of abusing his power and obstructing Congress. At the conclusion of the trial, senators are expected to vote on whether Trump should be removed from office.
Ongoing: Watch Senate Impeachment Trial Live
The Senate is holding a trial on the impeachment of President Trump, who is accused by the U.S. House of abusing his power and obstructing Congress. At the conclusion of the trial, senators are expected to vote on whether Trump should be removed from office.
Alabama Representatives Flip Votes on Two Measures Involving Cleanup of PFAS Pollution
Alabama’s representatives in the U.S. House flipped votes on two issues last week concerning regulation of PFAS chemicals, which have been linked to cancer. These chemicals have been found in drinking water and land in northern Alabama.
Facebook, Twitter, Other Social Media Play Roles in Elections. But Handshakes Remain a Factor Too
Recently, Alabama’s Republican secretary of state, John Merrill, got into a Twitter spat with Mallory Hagan, a Democrat running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, over whether Merrill is suppressing the vote in the state. To have candidates for political office, one of them an incumbent office holder, debate such a contentious issue on Twitter demonstrates how much social media has become a part of the conversations surrounding elections, including the upcoming midterms.