school funding

A guide to what the U.S. Education Department does (and doesn’t) do

The department tracks student achievement, manages college financial aid and sends K-12 schools money to support students with disabilities and lower-income communities, among other things.

Jeffco Voters to Decide on Homewood’s Ability to Increase Property Taxes

Homewood doesn't want the state legislature to "micro-manage" its property tax rate. Instead, it wants local control. So a referendum on tomorrow's ballot in Jefferson County will let voters decide whether Homewood can hold a vote to increase property taxes to help fund schools. No such vote is planned at this time.

What Can Finland Teach Alabama About Education?

Several decades ago, Finland’s education system was considered mediocre. But starting around 2001, it came to be regarded as a powerhouse, usually at or near the top of the world’s nations on internationally normed tests. How? And can those strategies work in Alabama?

Study of School District Borders Shows US, AL Economic Segregation

A wide body of research shows that students in poor school districts face real disadvantages. But the way the U.S. funds schools creates pockets of poverty right next to enclaves of wealth.

School Funding In Alabama: A View From Sumter County

In more affluent districts, local property tax revenue makes a big difference for schools. But in rural Sumter County, which is mostly farms and timberland, there isn’t much to tax. It’s also hard to raise rates on what is there.