
My Uncle Danny

One-percent of the global population lives with schizophrenia -- a chronic, often disabling, brain disorder. The most common type of schizophrenia is 'paranoid schizophrenia'. Paranoid schizophrenics suffer from delusions and hallucinations. It's something WBHM's Rosemary Pennington knows a bit about; her Uncle Danny has lived with it for more than three decades.

Overcoming Schizophrenia

These days, doctors who treat mental illness have an unprecedented variety of effective new medications from which to choose. That's the good news. The bad news is that finding just the right medication, and the right dosage, for each patient often involves a frustrating period of trial and error. But once that perfect combination is found, the improvement can be both sudden and dramatic, as in this story by reporter Dale Short.

54% of support comes from members
54% of support comes from members