
A minister was acquitted of a brutal 1832 murder. A new book revisits the case

In the world of true crime, Fall River, Mass. is known for Lizzie Borden, but another murder 60 years earlier captivated New England. Kate Winkler Dawson tells the story in The Sinners All Bow.

Alabama execution is set despite opposition from the victim’s family

Joe Nathan James Jr. was convicted and sentenced to death in the 1994 shooting death of Faith Hall in Birmingham. Hall’s daughters have said they would rather James serve life in prison.

Remembering A Murdered Birmingham Priest For His Faith And Courage

This week marks 100 years since Father James Coyle was murdered in broad daylight in downtown Birmingham hours after he secretly married an interracial couple. He's remembered for his faith and courage during a time of religious intolerance, racism and xenophobia.

Birmingham Police Need The Public’s Help In Solving Homicides, Woodfin Says

The overall crime rate in Birmingham went down compared to last year, but the city’s murder rate increased 13 percent in 2020, according to data from the Birmingham Police Department.

FBI Records Could Have Solved A Civil Rights Cold Case. Now It’s Too Late

The murder of the Rev. James Reeb was unsolved for more than 50 years. Now, Alabama officials who might have pursued prosecution tell NPR that if the FBI had shared its case file with them, they would have investigated Reeb's murder years earlier.

A Murder in Rural Alabama? S-Town Podcast is on the Case

The creators of This American Life and the popular murder-mystery podcast Serial released a third season today. This one’s called S-Town, and it’s set right here in Alabama. WBHM’s Gigi Douban got a preview of the first two episodes, and S-Town host Brian Reed tells her his reporting revealed some painful truths about life in […]

Barbecuing to Stop Violence in Selma

For Tamalyn Whatley, living in Selma, Alabama, violence is always nearby. “It’s an everyday thing,“ the 24-year-old explains as she plays with her youngest son in the front yard of family’s her home. “I see it and deal with it.” She grew up in this house, where she lives now. It’s also where her mom […]

Birmingham’s Police Chief on Combating Violent Crime in 2016

Birmingham finished last year with the highest number of homicides since 2008. That has city leaders worried, and pledging to put an emphasis on combating gun violence in 2016. And, according to Birmingham Police Chief A.C. Roper, Birmingham’s also seen a rise in violent crimes committed by young offenders.

Birmingham’s Violence Reduction Initiative

Homicides are up in Birmingham for 2015, ending a three-year decline. The reasons for the increase aren’t clear. Some point to a rise in violent crime more generally in cities across the country. Others say Birmingham’s homicide rate had dropped so low it had nowhere to go but up. In any case, city leaders are trying to respond. WBHM’s Andrew Yeager spoke with Nick Patterson, editor of the weekly newspaper WELD, about that response.

Birmingham Sees Highest Homicide Rate Since 2008

Birmingham is approaching its ninetieth homicide for 2015, making this the city's deadliest year since 2008.

John Archibald: A Wave of Murders in Birmingham

Birmingham has seen a violent crime drop in recent years, but a rash of homicides has police and city leaders scrambling to respond. It's a subject that's easy to gloss over if you live in a safe neighborhood or aren't directly affected. But and Birmingham News columnist John Archibald says it's something that should prompt outrage.