Jim Zeigler
State Auditor’s Book Part of Emerging Race for Governor
Alabama state auditor Jim Zeigler has self-published book about his fictitious governorship. Alabama Media Group columnist says despite Zeigler's claim otherwise, it's a campaign announcement.
Who is Worse? Democrats or Republicans?
When it comes to less than stellar behavior in Alabama politics, both sides bring plenty to the table. Democrats are the party of George Wallace and the two-year college scandal. Republicans have now seen their House Speaker Mike Hubbard removed from office on ethics convictions. Meanwhile Republican Chief Justice Roy Moore faces his own ethics charges and Governor Robert Bentley faces an impeachment effort. Which side is worse? Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald says it's a trick question.
Zeigler: Send Prisoners Away From Alabama to Ease Overcrowding
Governor Robert Bentley isn’t doing enough to save taxpayers money. That was the core message of state auditor Jim Zeigler’s rebuttal of the governor’s State of the State address. Zeigler offered a few ideas, including this one: instead of building “four-star prison hotels”, ease overcrowding by letting prisoners volunteer to move at least two states away and get jobs.
State Auditor Says Governor’s Mansion Restoration “Poor Stewardship” of BP Funds
State Auditor Jim Zeigler is accusing Governor Robert Bentley of misusing oil spill money from BP. In a statement released today, Zeigler says a reporter and photographer from the New York Times are in Alabama looking into Bentley’s use of $1.8 million of BP money to restore the governor’s mansion at the Gulf in Baldwin County. The property has been abandoned since 1997 after suffering hurricane damage.