Budget Deficit
Fairfield Considers Cutting Police Department to Save Money
The Fairfield City Council recently made an unconventional move: they voted to get rid of their police department in an effort to save money. But some city leaders say it’s a shortsighted response to a big budget problem.
Inside the Financial Crisis in Fairfield
When the Walmart closed in Fairfield, the city lost one of its largest sources of sales tax revenue. The small Birmingham neighbor now faces a looming $8 million dollar deficit after years of alleged financial mismanagement. For more on Fairfield’s money crisis, and the city council’s recent vote to terminate the police department, we turn to Nick Patterson, editor of the weekly newspaper WELD. Patterson talk's about WELD's cover story on Fairfield's financial crisis. He tells WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley about Fairfield’s history, and how it got to this breaking point.
Law Enforcement Agency Pulls Examiners out of Drivers License Offices
The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency said it is pulling examiners out of 31 part-time satellite drivers license offices because of budget cuts. The agency made the announcement Wednesday. The examiners currently travel to the locations during some days of the week. The agency said the change will save money on travel costs. Secretary Spencer Collier says the impact on citizens will be lessened because of online renewals and other options.
House Committee Approves Cigarette Tax, Other Revenue Bills
An Alabama budget committee has approved a cigarette tax increase and other revenue bills as lawmakers try to fill a budget shortfall. The House Ways and Means Committee voted 8-6 for a 25-cent-per-pack cigarette tax increase. The increase would raise $66 million annually.
Special Session Likely For Alabama Legislature
With the clock winding down on the 2015 legislative session, Alabama legislators have still not solved the state’s largest problem: a general fund budget shortfall of more than $250 million. While some new revenue measures passed this week, it’s not nearly enough to fill the gap.
Are Cigarette Taxes A Good Idea For Alabama?
The Alabama Legislature is running out of days this session. Today's the last day that any new revenue raising measure can be introduced and still stand a chance of passing during regular session. And there's still disagreement on how to fill the state's more than $250 million deficit. One idea: cigarette taxes. Governor Robert Bentley's proposed revenue package relies heavily on an 82 cent tax increase per pack.
Deadline To Introduce New Revenue Measures Approaching
Time is running out for the Alabama Legislature to address the more than $250 million General Fund budget shortfall during the regular session. Next Tuesday is the last day to introduce revenue raising measures that could pass this session.
Legislative Committees Say “Yes” To Gambling And “No” To Taxes
With less than a month left in the legislative session, there’s still no consensus on how to fix the state’s more than $250 million dollar General Fund budget shortfall. And while the debate’s still active, the House Ways and Means committee did approve a budget with deep cuts this week.
What’s The Best Way For States To Overcome A Budget Shortfall?
With Alabama facing a budget shortfall of more than $250 million, legislators have a few ideas on how to fill the gap: a lottery, gambling, raising taxes. But what works best? Alabama’s not the first state with budget problems. How have other states fixed their budgets?
Alabama Parks Director Says State Parks Could See Large Cuts
Alabama faces a general fund budget shortfall of more than $580 million dollars. If legislators cant find new revenue, there could be sweeping cost cutting measures. This includes layoffs and reductions in state services affecting, among other things, law enforcement and state parks.
Heads of Alabama Prison, Medicaid and Mental Health Systems Say Budget Cuts Would Hurt
Alabama’s facing a general fund budget shortfall. Governor Robert Bentley told law makers Wednesday that state agencies would see sever cuts if taxes aren't raised. Here to recap the budget conversation in Montgomery this week, and more is Don Dailey. He’s the host of Capitol Journal on Alabama Public Television, and he joins WBHM each Friday during the legislative session. To start, Dailey tells’ WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley how heads of the state’s prison, Medicaid and mental health systems described how’d they’d deal with budget cuts to state legislators.
The 2015 Alabama Legislative Session Kicks off on Tuesday
The 2015 Alabama legislative session kicks off on Tuesday. From prisons to the state's budget deficit to education, this year's session will be full of important -- and even controversial -- issues. Here to give us a preview of what to expect is Don Dailey, host of Alabama Public Television's Capital Journal.