Alabama State Legislature
Majority of Alabamians Willing to Pay More for Education and Healthcare
A majority of Alabamians believe key state services are not adequately funded and would be willing to pay more in taxes to avoid cuts in education and healthcare for the poor and elderly. That’s among the findings of an annual public opinion survey conducted by the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama.
State Job Cuts and Reflections on Witnessing an Execution
Alabama lawmakers start the 2016 regular legislative session next week. They'll be talking about money and budgets and they'll be looking at a state payroll down nine percent since 2010. As state coffers took a hit post-recession, many agencies let people go. But most of the pain has not come from the top. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald talks about the job cuts. He also reflects on witnessing executions as the state executes its first inmate in more than two years.
What’s In Alabama’s Prison Reform Bill?
Alabama's prison reform bill was approved today by a 31-2 vote in the Alabama Senate. The bill contains major changes to the state’s sentencing and probation rules with the goal of reducing prison over-crowding. Alabama's prisons are currently at almost 200 percent capacity. The bill was crafted by the Alabama Prison Reform Task Force with the help of The Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that works with policymakers across the country. WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley spoke with Andy Barbee, research manager with The Council of State Governments about some of the most important policy changes in the Alabama Justice Reinvestment Act and how Alabama’s challenges rank nationally.
Alabama Obstetrician Turned Lawmaker Withdraws Controversial Bill
Republican State Senator Larry Stutts got into some hot water this week after an unsettling connection between his past and a bill he proposed came to light. Stutts said Tuesday that he will no longer push legislation to repeal "Rose's Law." The 1999 law requires a minimum postpartum hospital stay— unless the woman gives written consent — and certain bloodwork before a woman is discharged from the hospital.