Alabama Governor’s Race

Gov. Kay Ivey Launches Reelection Campaign for 2022 Gubernatorial Race

In a campaign video, Ivey, 76, noted the state's economic growth, low unemployment and critical improvements in education and to the state’s infrastructure.

2018 Elections: Candidate Profiles

Four Republicans and six Democrats are vying for the party nominations in the June 5 Alabama primaries. Here are their profiles.

2018 Governor’s Race: James Fields

Democrat James Fields was the first African American to run for a legislative seat in mostly-white Cullman County. Many told him to withdraw, but he went on to win that seat in the Alabama House of Representatives in 2008. Now he's running for governor.

Gov. Ivey Briefs Reporters and Lawmakers Advance Autism Bill

The legislature this week tried to get on with business as usual following the resignation of Gov. Robert Bentley on Monday. As Don Dailey, host of Alabama Public Television’s Capitol Journal tells WBHM’s Gigi Douban, legislative committees were busy this week. And so was Gov. Kay Ivey, who met with reporters on her third full […]

54% of support comes from members
54% of support comes from members