Alabama Says its $900 Million Prisons Plan Can Help Fix Mental Health Crisis. Some Disagree.
As Alabama prisons continue to grapple with a federal lawsuit over mental health care, officials say they have a plan: they want to build three big regional prisons for men.
Governor Announces Plan to Build Three Prisons for Men
Governor Kay Ivey announced Tuesday a plan to replace existing prison facilities with three regional men's prisons to address "violence, poor living conditions and mental illness" in Alabama's corrections system.
Alabama Prison Officials “Deliberately Indifferent” to Mental Health Needs
A federal judge ruled the Alabama prison system has failed to monitor the mental health of prisoners isolated in segregation cells, a failure to which the Alabama Department of Corrections is “deliberately indifferent,” the order says.
Senate Committee Approves Prison Consolidation Plan
A Senate budget committee approved a prison construction bill Wednesday. The bill would close 14 state prisons and build four large regional facilities. Senator Cam Ward was among the bill’s supporters, citing prison overcrowding issues. “Everyone says well you can’t build — and I’ve said this before — you can’t build your way out of the […]
Bentley Calls Tutwiler Settlement ‘Positive Step’ For State
Governor Robert Bentley is praising a settlement between the state and the U.S. Justice Department over conditions at Alabama's only prison for women. Bentley says the agreement announced Thursday is a "positive step forward" for the corrections agency.
What’s In Alabama’s Prison Reform Bill?
Alabama's prison reform bill was approved today by a 31-2 vote in the Alabama Senate. The bill contains major changes to the state’s sentencing and probation rules with the goal of reducing prison over-crowding. Alabama's prisons are currently at almost 200 percent capacity. The bill was crafted by the Alabama Prison Reform Task Force with the help of The Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that works with policymakers across the country. WBHM’s Rachel Osier Lindley spoke with Andy Barbee, research manager with The Council of State Governments about some of the most important policy changes in the Alabama Justice Reinvestment Act and how Alabama’s challenges rank nationally.
The 2015 Alabama Legislative Session Kicks off on Tuesday
The 2015 Alabama legislative session kicks off on Tuesday. From prisons to the state's budget deficit to education, this year's session will be full of important -- and even controversial -- issues. Here to give us a preview of what to expect is Don Dailey, host of Alabama Public Television's Capital Journal.
Alabama’s Prison Reform Task Force Readies Bill For 2015 Legislative Session
Alabama's overcrowded prison system has been under close scrutiny since the Justice Department started investigating it last year. If big changes aren't made during the upcoming legislative session, the state risks a federal takeover. Alabama's Prison Reform Task Force is working to draft legislation to improve the prison system. State Senator Cam Ward of Alabaster is the task force's chairman. Ward sat down with WBHM's Rachel Osier Lindley to talk about the proposed legislation, and who has been involved in the process.
Lectures Behind Bars
Few people normally go to Donaldson Correctional Facility, a state prison in far western Jefferson County. But twice a month UAB faculty travel to this maximum security prison to lecture to inmates. It's been happening for almost three decades. Reporter Ashley Cleek sits in on a class.
A College For Inmates, And An Interview With Its President
The United States locks up people at a higher rate than anywhere else in the world. Some of the most overcrowded prisons are right here in Alabama. Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women is one of them. But some inmates there have access to a unique state-funded program that offers academics and "life skills" they'll need after release. The problem is, this J.F. Ingram State Technical College program, which could ease overcrowding, is struggling for funds. WBHM's Dan Carsen has the story and a full-length interview with J.F. Ingram's president.
INTERVIEW: Inmate And Horticulture Student Timothy Brown
Alabama's J.F. Ingram State may be the nation's only state-run two-year college exclusively for inmates. Its mission is to reduce recidivism by offering "three legs of the stool": academics, life skills, and vocational training. WBHM's Dan Carsen recently visited Ingram's Deatsville campus, where he met Timothy Brown, a 53-year-old convicted robber and burglar serving a life sentence but hoping for parole. Brown had walked over from the Frank Lee minimum-security facility next door. He'd been passing around organic cantaloupe and filling in for his horticulture teacher. Dan starts the interview by asking Brown if doing the latter makes him nervous.
Alabama Gets National Attention, Working Across Political Lines
Today on Morning Edition, NPR's Steve Inskeep talks with Alabama State Sentator Cam Ward and attorney Maria Morris of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The theme of the story - working across political lines to reduce overcrowding and other critical issues in Alabama's Prisons.
Becky Anthony: Life With An Incarcerated Son
When a loved one is incarcerated, it can have a profound impact on their family members on the outside. These families are lifelines to the inmate. From sending money to traveling long distances to visit the inmates, it's work to provide that kind of financial and emotional care. We explore those challenges as part of WBHM's continued coverage of Alabama's prison system. WBHM's Sarah Delia has the story of one mother who has made countless sacrifices to keep her family afloat in order to support her incarcerated son.
Female Inmates Can Face a Cycle of Abuse
While incarcerated women have characteristics that are similar to their male counterparts, a closer look reveals another story. Studies have shown that the majority of incarcerated women were victims of verbal, physical or sexual abuse before coming to prison. Les Lovoy reports how abuse in prison can re-traumatize women and the challenge for them to break the cycle of abuse, once they re-enter society.
How Prison Shaped a Woman’s Career Path
For 10 years of her adult life, Jamie Faust was in and out of county jail and federal prison. In 2012 she entered Julia Tutwiler's Prison for Women as an HIV positive inmate. At the time, HIV inmates were segregated from the general population. She tells WBHM's Sarah Delia that living with HIV in prison wasn't easy, but the experience pushed her to follow a career path she might not have otherwise.
Hear Highlights from “Issues & Ales: Alabama’s Prison System”
Public Radio WBHM 90.3 FM hosted an "Issues & Ales" event concentrating on Alabama's Prison System on Tuesday, June 17 at WorkPlay. Listen for highlights from the event on WBHM at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 25. If you missed the event and the broadcast, listen here. This panel discussion focused on what Alabama residents want from the prison and criminal justice systems and how policy makers and communities can punish wrongdoing, rehabilitate offenders and, by extension, reduce crime in Alabama.
DOCUMENTARY: Voices From Tutwiler Prison For Women
J.F. Ingram Technical College is a unique part of Alabama's two-year college system because all of its students are incarcerated. Last month, WBHM's Dan Carsen went to Ingram's campus at Tutwiler Prison. He was planning to do a story on Ingram's new life skills program there, but sometimes, plans change. He decided the best way to convey those classes was basically to let the tape roll ... which also gives normally voiceless people a chance to be heard. You can hear them right now. Or click on the link above to hear them and see more photos.
Life After Prison: Interview With Robin, Student And Tutwiler Inmate
All this week, WBHM explores challenges people face after being released from Alabama's prisons. One barrier is a lack of skills. But some educators are working to smooth that transition even before the inmates get out: J.F. Ingram State Technical College has a new program at Tutwiler Prison that teaches vocations and life skills, including getting along with others, with the goal of reducing recidivism. WBHM's Dan Carsen sat in on those classes then spoke with a student -- an inmate named Robin. We agreed not to use last names, but Dan asked her about her plans once she's out ... and about why she's in.
John Archibald: Can Inmates Ever Stop Serving their Time?
The problems with Alabama's prisons are well documented. The state prison system is at almost twice capacity. It's costing the state more money every year. Plus there are numerous allegations of poor, even illegal treatment of prisoners by employees. Those issues were part of a panel discussion this week called Issues and Ales. WBHM hosted the event along with the Alabama Media Group and the Center for Investigative Reporting. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald listened to that conversation and shares his thoughts.
What We Heard at WBHM’s Issues and Ales
On Tuesday, June 17, WBHM hosted an Issues and Ales panel discussion focusing on the Alabama prison system. Over three panels, speakers covered the system's current problems with overcrowding, along with how to best rehabilitate offenders and what Alabama could do to improve the prison system. Panelists included Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner Kim Thomas, State Senator Cam Ward, former inmates, and people who provide services to ex-offenders. WBHM's education reporter Dan Carsen and news director Rachel Osier Lindley moderated the discussion. They sat down after the event to discuss some of the highlights. The event was hosted in collaboration with the Alabama Media Group.
Issues and Ales: Alabama’s Prison System
Issues within the Alabama prison system impact the culture and economy of Alabama, affecting thousands of lives across the state every day. What are the causes for concern? Who is responsible? Why does it matter to you? WBHM explored this topic at 'Issues and Ales: Alabama's Prison System,' hosted in collaboration with Alabama Media Group and The Center for Investigative Reporting. Hear a broadcast of highlights from Issues and Ales on Wednesday, June 25, from 2-3 pm.
Problems in Alabama’s Prisons Pose Challenges For The State
It's been an eventful week for the Alabama Prison System. On Tuesday, Governor Robert Bentley announced initial plans for rebuilding the state's overburdened and underfunded prison system. Governor Bentley said Alabama would work in partnership with private agencies and the government to examine the prison system and suggest reforms. Bentley's announcement came on the same day the Southern Poverty Law Center released a highly critical report on medical care in Alabama prisons. For WBHM, Les Lovoy outlines the numerous challenges facing Alabama's prisons, and what the state is doing to solve the problems.
Kyle Whitmire: VA Healthcare and Alabama’s Prisons
On Tuesday Governor Robert Bentley announced a plan to overhaul the state's severely overcrowded prison system. Also this week, the Southern Poverty Law Center released a detailed report highlighting medical care problems in Alabama's prisons. Plus, we take a look at wait times for Alabama veterans to receive medical attention. Kyle Whitmire of and the Birmingham News joins us.
Interview: Kim Thomas, Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner
For the last several months, WBHM has joined and the Center for Investigative Reporting as part of the Alabama Media Group's investigative journalism lab. Together, we're taking a look at Alabama's prison problems. Earlier this year, the Department of Justice accused Alabama of failing to protect prisoners at the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women from sexual abuse and harassment from male officers. To hear more on the issues and challenges facing the Tutwiler prison, Les Lovoy spoke with Kim Thomas, Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner.
Interview: Reporter Alex Walsh on Alabama’s Prison Budget
Alabama's prison system is currently under investigation by the Justice Department. If some big changes aren't made, the federal government could take over the prison system. We've heard a lot about the conditions inside Alabama prisons, but today we explore a different side: the state prison budget. One in every four dollars in Alabama's general fund budget goes to prisons. And that's growing. data reporter Alex Walsh joined WBHM's Rachel Osier Lindley to talk about corrections spending.
INTERVIEW: Rick Vest, Counseling Coordinator Of Two-Year College For Prisoners
J.F. Ingram State is a unique part of Alabama's two-year college system because one hundred percent of its students are incarcerated. Its new pilot program at Julia Tutwiler Prison focuses on life skills, not just vocational training. As part of our prison-reporting partnership with Alabama Media Group's Investigative Journalism Lab, WBHM's Dan Carsen spoke with Ingram State Counseling Coordinator Rick Vest outside Ingram's Tutwiler campus. Among other things, Vest says learning job skills isn't enough.
Interview: State Senator Cam Ward on Alabama’s Prison System
Alabama's prison system is under investigation by the Justice Department after a federal report detailed cases of rape and sexual abuse at the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women. If some big changes aren't made, the federal government could take over the prison system. State Senator Cam Ward, R-Alabaster, is fighting that. He's a vocal advocate of prison reform and chairs the Alabama Legislature's joint oversight committee on prisons. Ward spoke with WBHM's Rachel Osier Lindley about what he believes the legislature needs to do.
Interview: Reporter Brian Lawson Discusses Inmate Healthcare
For the next several months, WBHM joins and the Center for Investigative Reporting as part of the Alabama Media Group's Investigative Journalism Lab. We're taking a closer look at Alabama's prison problems. Earlier this year, a Department of Justice report detailed cases of rape and sexual abuse at the Julia Tutwiler prison in Wetumpka. As part of their continued investigation of Alabama prisons, the Department of Justice is seeing if inmate medical care and mental health care are constitutionally adequate. reporter Brian Lawson has been looking into inmate health care, and he's heard some troubling stories for former inmates and their families. WBHM's Rachel Osier Lindley sat down with Lawson to find out more.
Interview: Reporter Kelsey Stein on Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women
For the next several months, WBHM joins and the Center for Investigative Reporting as part of the Alabama Media Group's Investigative Journalism Lab. We're taking a closer look at Alabama's prison problems. As part of this project, reporter Kelsey Stein has interviewed many former inmates of the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women. The prison gained national attention earlier this year after a Department of Justice report detailed cases of rape and sexual abuse at the prison.
What’s Your Experience with Alabama’s Prison System?
WBHM, Alabama Media Group and the Center for Investigative Reporting are collaborating on a closer examination of the state's prison problems and who is being held accountable. We want to hear your experiences with the prison system.
Alabama’s Prison Problem
Alabama faces a potential $400 million shortfall in the general fund budget this year. And that could leave the state’s already-strapped prison system at a tipping point -- so overcrowded Alabama could face the possibility of a federal lawsuit. As WBHM’s Andrew Yeager reports lawmakers are searching for ways to fix a system bursting at the seams.