On the Bright Side

They Call It Puppy Love

We finally caved in to our children’s constant begging and adopted a puppy: Roxie. The kids are learning what it’s like to be a new puppy parent, and now we’re all blissfully exhausted. Caroline S., Trussville, AL

Home Sweet Home

On the bright side, I’ve developed a new love for my home. My historic apartment rescued me from a bad marriage three years ago, and it’s where I discovered peace and started to rediscover myself. But it’s taken on a whole new meaning for me the last couple of months: it’s a refuge, a haven, […]

Poetry in Motion

Although Magic City Poetry Festival wasn’t able to host its line-up in April, we did something else: we created a virtual book fair for our speakers and added a “Shelter in Magic Reading Series” of amazing poets sharing a poem and a little about their ties/roots in Birmingham. Alina C., Birmingham, AL

Time Together

My wife is a teacher. Even though she is bummed about not seeing her kids for the remainder of the school year, she has gotten to spend her time at home with our 2 year old son. Time spent together is so valuable, and there is never enough. Chuck L., Piedmont, AL

Saturday Morning Strolling

Went out for a stroll in Clayton Park on Saturday morning. Cars went by at the rate of one every five minutes. It was a field filled with clover, violet, dandelion, and bluebell flowers. Quiet, windy, the smell of recent rain. Not a soul in sight. The sky was on fire, over oceans yet to […]

RN Comes Home to Help

My wife is a Alabama native. She’s about to finish her RN in a month. We are moving back in July because she wants her first job to be helping the people of Birmingham. We can’t wait to get back home and help however we can. Greg C., Middletown, NY

54% of support comes from members

Writing through ‘Rona

During this tenuous time of sheltering in place, I have found the freedom to tell my stories. After a serendipitous Creative Nonfiction writing class, I gained the confidence to write. And during the quarantine, I gained the desire to connect with my friends across the country. I posted my stories online and learned that people […]

Here Comes the Sun

At least it stopped raining. John B., Birmingham, AL

Learning Gratitude

I’ve learned to be more appreciative of front-line workers of all kinds, and make sure to say a sincere “thank you” to grocery staff, delivery people, take-out food folks, postal workers, law enforcement officers, and medical workers. Tami T., Birmingham, AL

Carbon Emissions Down

On the bright side, the drop in carbon emissions due to the pandemic show the potential that climate action has on a widely implemented basis – this kind of decarbonization can have profound effects. We now have an example for how citizens, global leaders, and the media should treat climate change as the existential threat […]

Selfish, Not Selfish

Little selfish…but I have not bitten my nails in about a month and a half…hopefully keep that trend going. Blake C., Irondale, AL

Words on the Page

Since March 10, I’ve written 17,000 words on my next novel. Chris G., Birmingham, AL

Biking to Work

One of the best things is being able to ride my bike from my condo to the station! Nancy M., Birmingham, AL (She’s a WBHM announcer on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday!)  

Taking in the Beauty

I’ve noticed people taking in the beauty around them a lot more. I live in Bluff Park and the lookout points on Shades Crest Road are packed with people (responsibly distanced) enjoying the beautiful sunsets every evening. It’s nice to see. Chadwick B., Bluff Park, AL

Face Mask Facilitators

The Facebook group “Bham Face Masks” has facilitated donations of over 40,000 handmade face masks in the Birmingham area. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Ann F., Birmingham, AL


One silver lining is that I get to spend my last semester of high school at home with my sister. I live in a dorm for school, but thanks to coronavirus it got shut down. I miss all my friends and the younger kids, but I love that I get to spend time with my […]

Cookies Cookies Cookies

OTBS—we ate all the chocolate chip cookies so have an excuse to make more! Christina C., Birmingham, AL