Common Core
Momentum Shifts on Bill to Repeal Common Core
State Sen. Del Marsh wants to repeal the nationwide academic standards known as Common Core this legislative session. But the proposal seems to have lost some momentum.
Lawmakers Consider a Lottery, Medical Marijuana, and Common Core Repeal
Medical marijuana, a repeal of the Common Core, and a lottery bill were all on the legislative agenda this past week. We take a look at these and other measures lawmakers considered.
Common Core: Can Standards Really Prepare Students for College?
Over the last two years, there has been a lot of debate surrounding the Common Core standards throughout the country. But sometimes, all the political noise can make us forget about the main goal of these standards. Do they really do a better job of preparing kids for college and careers? And if not, what’s stopping them?
Re-branding Common Core – Does the Name Make a Difference?
Common Core education standards have been controversial since their adoption nearly half-a-decade ago. Some states have tried re-branding Common Core by changing the name. Others have dropped the standards all together. In the South, states are taking a different approach by asking residents themselves to reevaluate the standards.
Common Core: Challenges and Opposition
One of the hottest issues in State Houses this year was Common Core, national math and language arts standards released in 2010 and adopted by most states. According to the National Conference of State Legislators, this year more than 730 Common Core bills were introduced across the country, including 21 state proposals for repeal. This week, the Southern Education Desk examines why these public school standards are still so controversial in the South. Today Sherrel Wheeler Stewart from WBHM explains the roots of the opposition and the challenges the standards face.