wildlife conservation

The Asian elephant population in Cambodia is more robust than previously thought

Some 400 to 600 Asian elephants are believed to remain living in the wild in Cambodia. Researchers said the study's findings underscore the potential of a "national stronghold" for the species.

The debut of new pandas in D.C. marks the latest chapter in China’s ‘panda diplomacy’

Friday's debut of new pandas at the National Zoo in D.C. is the latest chapter in a long tale of "panda diplomacy" between China and the rest of the world.

Another casualty of Israel’s war in Lebanon: Efforts to save endangered turtles

Lebanese volunteers are anxious to get back to sea turtle conservation on southern beaches that were off-limits to civilians when fighting escalated between Israel and Hezbollah.

How one U.S. conservationist’s work is helping to preserve Chile’s wilderness

Chile is set to gain its 47th national park early this year — largely due to the efforts of U.S. conservationist Kristine Tompkins and her organization.