U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions
U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions and a Look at Civil Rights
Jeff Sessions’ civil rights track record is on trial and is likely to remain a topic of conversation until his confirmation hearing. Nick Patterson, editor of the weekly newspaper Weld discusses a little about how civil rights actually work.
NAACP Stages Sit-in to Protest Sessions’ Nomination as Attorney General
Leaders with the NAACP are calling on the Senate to reject President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, and staging a sit-in in Sessions' Mobile office in protest.
The Year in Alabama Politics
Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald discusses the big stories of the year in Alabama politics.
Who Replaces Senator Jeff Sessions?
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was an early backer of President-elect Donald Trump and as a result Sessions is expected to get a prime spot in a Trump Administration. If that happens, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley would name a successor. That opens up a new horse race. We talk about it with Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald.
Payday Loan Bill Alive, But For How Long?
A public meeting was held in Montgomery Wednesday, March 9, to discuss legislation that would affect payday loans, a U.S. lawmaker from Alabama is chosen to advise Republican front-runner Donald Trump on national security issues and we say goodbye to a beloved, satirical social media entity. All that in this week’s conversation with Kyle Whitmire, […]
Looking Forward to the General Election
Super Tuesday has come and gone in Alabama. What was surprising and what to expect come November? Analysis of the primary elections. And House Speaker Mike Hubbard is back in court tomorrow - Thursday, March 3. A look at what's happening in that trial taking place in Lee County.