More Robust FEMA APP Released Just In Time for Hurricane Season
The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is launching a new feature to its app that is a one-stop-shop of sorts that will help people prepare for, respond to and recover from hurricanes.
Kyle Whitmire Discusses UAB Football Future And The Legislative Session
The much anticipated College Sports Solutions’ report on University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) athletics is now public and the findings are somewhat ambiguous. In essence, it says UAB can control it’s own destiny. But the question remains should the university divert its football funding to running a championship-caliber basketball program, or beg and borrow […]
Cutting-Edge Forensic Research At ASU Could Help Solve Murders
Believe it or not, in a healthy human body, microbial cells outnumber human cells by about ten to one. Scientists, doctors, and health-conscious people are learning more and more about our "personal ecosystems." But what happens to this individualized community of life after we die? Some Alabama State University forensics researchers are looking at patterns, which could -- among other things -- help investigators solve murder cases. WBHM's education reporter Dan Carsen has more:
Why Birmingham Bills have a Hard Time in Montgomery
Lawmakers from Birmingham have complained for years about their bills running into a buzz saw in Montgomery. In fact, it's a common complaint made by big city lawmakers against state legislatures across the country. So University of Rochester political scientist Gerald Gamm and his research partner took a look at records from 13 states including Alabama. They found that while big city bills did have a harder time, none of the usual suspects added.
John Archibald: A Wave of Murders in Birmingham
Birmingham has seen a violent crime drop in recent years, but a rash of homicides has police and city leaders scrambling to respond. It's a subject that's easy to gloss over if you live in a safe neighborhood or aren't directly affected. But and Birmingham News columnist John Archibald says it's something that should prompt outrage.
John Archibald: Politics over substance in Montgomery?
With the Alabama Legislature back in session, issues range from cost of living raises for teachers to no fewer than five separate bills dealing with guns. Birmingham News columnist John Archibald says Alabama has hard, weighty problems, that require thoughtful, creative minds. But fixing those problems is something the Alabama Legislature does NOT do well.
Capitol Journal Update
Few issues in Alabama politics right now have drawn such strong opinions as the state’s immigration law. This week, lawmakers held the first hearing this legislative session on possible changes to the law. We hear about that and other action in Montgomery this week from Don Dailey. He’s co-host of Alabama Public Television’s Capitol Journal.
Stuff: Alabama’s Unclaimed Property
This week on WBHM, we're talking about stuff--how to manage it and what people do with it. One place to put valuable stuff is behind the steel doors of a bank vault, in a safe deposit box. But sometimes, people forget about those boxes, or they die before getting the valuables out of the bank. In Alabama, those items end up in the State Treasury's Unclaimed Property Division.