Magic City Marketplace: A Long Time Coming
Much has been written about the investment and nightlife along Second Avenue North in Birmingham as a sign of the city center's rising fortune. But the area's comeback isn't just a post-recession story. And it's one economic development leaders hope isn't done. We talk about that in this week's Magic City Marketplace.
It’s Elementary
For filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, her work goes back to her son. It was the mid-90s, he was about to enter kindergarten and she was concerned about the teasing he'd receive because he happens to have two mothers for parents. From her concern developed, It's Elementary , a film Chasnoff produced and directed designed to combat negative stereotypes of gay and lesbian people through education. The film has generated controversy, with some public television stations not airing the program. Some of that controversy in documented in an updated version of the film, It's Still Elementary which plays Wednesday in Birmingham. WBHM's Andrew Yeager spoke with Debra Chasnoff.