Kira Fonteneau
Lady Justice Is Not Wearing A Blindfold
In Alabama, Blacks make up more than half of the state's inmate population. Some law professionals say racial bias spans from over policing of Black neighborhoods to criminal sentencing.
“Just Mercy” Sheds Light on Lack of Change in AL Justice System
The film “Just Mercy” premieres Friday in Montgomery. It’s based on civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson’s efforts to free a man who was wrongfully sentenced on death row. That was in 1989. But not a lot has changed since then.
INTERVIEW: Carsen & Lindley On Emotional Vestavia Mascot Meeting
Since the mass shooting by a white supremacist in Charleston, South Carolina last month, symbols like the Confederate flag have come under renewed scrutiny. In Vestavia Hills, it’s the high school’s rebel mascot — sometimes called Colonel Reb or The Rebel Man — that’s drawing national attention. WBHM’s Dan Carsen went to an emotional public […]