Hoover School Buses
Some kids in Birmingham dodge trains and cars walking to school. More buses could help
Alabama only has to provide bus access for families that live within two miles of their school, which leaves some families having to walk in dangerous conditions. Birmingham City Schools is trying to add new routes to address these concerns.
Hoover Could Use Zoning to Block Apartments
Zoning hearings can often be the white noise of local government, but zoning decisions do have a great effect on how cities develop. The Hoover Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation last week to rezone 273 acres along Interstate 459 from apartment use to commercial. The Hoover City Council could consider the change next month. It's a change that represents more than a simple government reclassification. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald talks about the Hoover situation and about perceptions of rising crime around Birmingham.
Hoover Schools Unveil New Zoning Plan, Schedule Meetings For Parent Feedback
Parents will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed plan at four smaller meetings throughout the district this month.
New Hoover City Schools Superintendent Starts June 1
It’s been a headlined filled year for Hoover City Schools, with controversies over zoning and busing, and the resignation of their superintendent. Now a new leader, Dr. Kathy Murphy, is on deck to take the helm. WBHM’s Sherrel Wheeler Stewart sat down for a conversation with her as she looks ahead to this new assignment.