Court Fines

Municipal Judges Disciplined for Modern-Day Debtors’ Prisons

Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald discuss the waning use of "debtor prison" tactics that find poor residents buried under municipal fines.

Alabama Keeps Money-Losing Liquor Stores Open

A Perry County Judge tells offenders they can either pay their fine or give blood. And Alabama closes driver’s license offices, but keeps money-losing liquor stores open.  Kyle Whitmire is the state political columnist for The Birmingham News and AL dot com, and he talks about these issues with WBHM’s Michael Krall.

John Archibald: Court Fines and the Wonders of Birmingham

The flashpoint for protests in Ferguson, Missouri, these last few weeks is the shooting death of 18-year old, African American Michael Brown by a white police officer. But those protests rest on kindling of distrust between the town's black majority and the white leadership. Part of that distrust could be due to court fines that have become increasingly part of Ferguson's revenue and it sounds similar to a phenomenon in Alabama. Alabama Media Group columnist John Archibald talks about that and offers his seven wonders of the Birmingham world.