Why don’t we remember being babies? Brain scans reveal new clues
Why can't we remember when we were babies? Scientists who scanned infants' brains found that they do make memories. The findings suggest these memories may still exist, but are inaccessible to us.
Concussion Expert on Youth Sports: “Time to Make Some Decisions”
Brain injury specialist Dr. Elizabeth Sandel has been studying that organ and bad things that happen to it for more than three decades. With football season in full swing, and the recent publication of a study linking adolescent concussions with multiple sclerosis, we wanted to check in with an expert.
In Football Country, Concussions Spark A Parental Dilemma
More and more people are learning about the risks contact sports pose to the brain. So even here in football-loving Alabama, parents and young athletes are wrestling with a serious dilemma, one that could affect them decades later: to play or not to play. To help parents facing that decision, WBHM’s Dan Carsen got some […]
A Dialogue on the Brain with the Dalai Lama
The brain is a changing organ that can heal itself after injury. That's the message from a dialogue involving the Dalai Lama and scientists at UAB's Alys Stephens Center Saturday.