Attorney Advertising is Big Business in Alabama
It seems you can’t turn a corner in Alabama without seeing a billboard advertising for a personal injury lawyer. The practice has proven to be a lucrative business builder, but it also carries a professional stigma.
INTERVIEW: Tanner Colby, Some of My Best Friends are Black
As Barack Obama campaigned his way to the presidency, self-described lily-white writer Tanner Colby began pondering exactly why he and so many other white people basically had no black friends. The reasons are complex, ranging from school policy to real estate practices to media image-making to church politics, but the former Vestavia Hills resident dives right in from the springboard of his own life, recognizing his ignorance the whole way. The result: 'Some of My Best Friends are Black: The Strange Story of Integration in America.' Our Southern Education Desk reporter Dan Carsen caught up with Colby soon after the author appeared on MSNBC to discuss America's persistent racial separation.
Alabama and the Oil Spill: Marketing Seafood
It's been almost a year since millions of barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. If you're still a little leery about eating seafood from the gulf, you're not alone. One study found about 70% of consumers nationwide are concerned about seafood safety. Almost a quarter have reduced how much they eat. Alabama's seafood industry says the catch has been tested and is safe. But as WBHM's Andrew Yeager reports getting that message out isn't easy.